
Short Term Resident Fellows

Short Term Resident Fellows are Ph.D.students or postdoctoral researchers from other European or Taiwanese universities, who stay at the ERCCT for a period between six months and one year. Each Fellow in this programme is provided with office space, and a monthly grant of 400 EUR in addition to a one time travel grant of 600 EUR and basic health insurance. For details on how to apply, please refer to this website's programmes section

Dr. Alexandre Gandil

Home Institution: D2iA – Bordeaux Montaigne University (France); CERI – Sciences Po (Paris Institute of Political Studies)
Duration of Stay: 21 May to 16 August 2024
Research Project: Taiwan beyond its own Strait: Assessing Taipei’s sovereignty claims over the South China Sea from below

Dr. Liang Chia-Yu

Name: Dr. Liang Chia-Yu
Home Institution: Department of International Relations, University of Sussex 

Duration of Stay: 2 May to 29 July 2024

Research Project:  Status Sacer: A Proposal for a Taiwanese International Relations Theory