
Current workshops

We also have lots of exciting workshops and classes for you this semester. You can find all the details about the contents and registration on this page.

Functional Training Workshops & Classes

Conditioning Workshop

If you've always wanted to know what "EMOM" and "AMRAP" mean and how they can be combined with a "Devil's Press", you've come to the right place.

As the perfect preparation for the "Functional Course", you will learn the basics of endurance-based full-body exercises in the "Conditioning Workshop", which will challenge your strength, endurance and coordination.
Together, we will learn how individual exercises can be combined to integrate sweat-inducing workouts into your training.

Content of the Workshop

  • Basic anatomical and biomechanical knowledge
  • Suitable warm-up and preparatory exercises
  • Learning the right technique
  • Functional strength and strength endurance exercises
  • Recognising and eliminating typical sources of error
  • Prioritising safety

Personalised training plan

You also have the option of having a personalised training plan drawn up for 6 weeks to help you achieve your goals in independent training. 

About the trainer
Coach Anna-Lisa is our functional training specialist. She has been combining strength and endurance elements in her own training for years, which not only stimulate muscle growth, but also strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve mobility and coordination.

 Details & booking

Functional Training "Weekend Workout"

If you fancy varied workouts with a functional full-body focus and have already mastered the basics, such as squats, then you've come to the right place in our new course! You can expect sweat-inducing sessions and lots of fun!

The Class

  • Warm-up and preparation
  • Main part with lots of different exercises, including
    • Endurance elements such as air bike, ski ergo and rowing ergo
    • Plyometric elements such as box jumps, burpees and wall balls
    • Strength elements such as thrusters, snatches and squats
  • Different gradations for every training level 
  • Cool-down and mobility

About the coach

Coach Anna-Lisa is our functional training specialist. She has been combining strength and endurance elements in her own training for years, which not only stimulate muscle growth, but also strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve mobility and coordination. As a medical doctor, she is also very familiar with the human anatomy.

  Details & booking

Functional Bodybuilding Workshop

If classic strength training in the gym seems boring to you and you would rather get to know functional full-body exercises with free weights, this is the right course for you.

In functional bodybuilding, we focus on dynamic exercises that involve several joints and therefore improve your strength, coordination and mobility at the same time. We will look at the technique of several exercises together and I will give you tips on how you can use speed to make your training even more effective. 

The course is suitable for all fitness levels as each exercise can be customised.

Contents of the workshop

  • Basic anatomical and biomechanical knowledge
  • Suitable warm-up and preparation exercises
  • Learning the correct technique
  • Functional strength and strength endurance exercises
  • Recognising and eliminating typical sources of error
  • Prioritising safety

Tip: "Functional bodybuilding" naturally also includes the three classics "squat, bench & deadlift". If your interested to learn those lifts, we recommend visiting Luke's Workshops.

Personalised training plan

You also have the option of having a personalised training plan drawn up for 6 weeks to help you achieve your goals in independent training. 

About the coach

Coach Anna-Lisa is our functional training specialist. She has been combining strength and endurance elements in her own training for years, which not only stimulate muscle growth, but also strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve mobility and coordination.

  Details & booking

Calisthenics & Handstand Workshops

Handstand Level 1 Workshop

If you want to learn the handstand or improve your technique, this workshop is a must!

Contents of the workshop

  • Basic anatomical and biomechanical knowledge
  • Suitable warm-up and preparation exercises
  • Learning the correct technique
  • Progressions and regressions of the handstand
  • Recognising and eliminating typical sources of error
  • Prioritising safety

The Coach

Coach Kai is our specialist for training with your own body weight. With his years of experience, he wants to help you take your handstand training to the next level.

 Details & booking

Calisthenics Basics Workshop

Pull-ups, push-ups or dips? If you want to learn more about training with your own body weight, then this workshop is for you. We offer you in-depth knowledge and practical techniques to help you get started in the world of calisthenics. 

Contents of the Workshops

  • Basic anatomical and biomechanical knowledge 
  • Suitable warm-up and preparation exercises
  • Learning the correct technique for various bodyweight exercises including
    • Push-ups
    • Pull-ups
    • Dips
    • Nordic curls
    • Plank
    • Exercises on the rings
  • Suitable progressions and regressions 
  • Recognising and eliminating typical sources of error
  • Prioritising safety

Personalised training plan

You also have the option of having a personalised training plan drawn up for 6 weeks to help you achieve your goals in independent training. 

About the coach

Coach Kai is our specialist for training with your own body weight. With his many years of experience, he would like to introduce you to the basics of calisthenic training.


  Details & booking

Powerlifting Workshops

"How to get stronger" - Workshop

Striving for strength gains but feeling stuck? End the frustration of endless, shallow advice. Join our "How to get stronger: Training for max strength gains"-Workshop for the depth you've been seeking. Discover science-backed strategies to optimize your training, break through plateaus, and achieve unprecedented gains. Say goodbye to confusion and unlock your full strength potential!

What's included?

  • What is strength?
  • The science behind how we get strong
  • Optimising training load to maximise strength while minimising fatigue/injury risk 
  • How to design review and adjust your own per training program


Get a training plan

You also have the option of getting a personalised training plan drawn up for 6 weeks to help you achieve your goals in independent training. 

About the coach

Luke Selway is a powerlifting coach and has previously competed in New Zealand. He would like to share his experience from training and coaching about how to maximise the safety, benefits and performance of these lifts in your training.

  Details & booking

Squat, Deadlift & Bench press Workshops

If you're looking to take your compound lifts to the next level, we've got you covered! While plateaus can be frustrating, we're here to help you overcome them. Our workshop is all about perfecting your squat, deadlift or bench press form (depending on the workshop). Whether you're a beginner or an experienced lifter, we've got something for you. Learn how to squat from scratch or finally bust through plateaus and skyrocket your gains with some science-backed tips and tricks to optimize your technique. Get ready to take your training to the next level!

What's included?

  • Basic anatomy and biomechanics of each lift
  • Pre-mobility and warm-ups
  • Learn to perform each lift
  • How to safely spot someone who is lifting
  • How to fix issues and improve performance with your lifts


Get a training plan

You also have the option of getting a personalised training plan drawn up for 6 weeks to help you achieve your goals in independent training. 

About the coach

Luke Selway is a powerlifting coach and has previously competed in New Zealand. He would like to share his experience from training and coaching about how to maximise the safety, benefits and performance of these lifts in your training.

  Details & booking

Muscle building Workshops

"How to build muscle effectively"- Workshop

 Ready to bulk up? Fed up with the confusing overload of information? Then our "How to build muscle effectively" workshop is just what you need. In this theory-based workshop, we'll provide you with scientifically-backed strategies to maximize muscle growth, break through plateaus, and sculpt your body with precision. Say goodbye to confusion and welcome gains – let's pump it up together!

Contents of the workshop

  • Physiology and Anatomy
  • Science of Muscle Building
  • Optimization of:
    • Training
    • Nutrition
    • Sleep
  • Training Control for Maximum Muscle Growth

Get a training plan

Additionally, you have the option to have an individual training plan created for you for 6 weeks, which will support you in achieving your goals in independent training.

The Coaches

Our coaches, Florian and Kiril, are our specialists in hypertrophy training and bodybuilding. Kiril is a medical student and therefore is not only well-versed in human anatomy through his own training experiences but also through his daily studies. Florian, in the course of his biology studies, deals with this topic on a daily basis and has been successfully applying his knowledge as a trainer and trainee for several years.


   Details & booking

Building muscles effectively: Systematic training of specific muscle groups

After you have learnt all the scientific background to muscle growth in our theory workshop "Effectively build muscle". Now we want to put the theory into practice. We will focus on different muscle groups in different workshops.

Contents of the workshop

  • Physiology and anatomy
  • Exercise selection and execution for targeted muscle building
  • Programming for maximum muscle growth

Get a training plan

Additionally, you have the option to have an individual training plan created for you for 6 weeks, which will support you in achieving your goals in independent training.

The Coaches

Our coaches, Florian and Kiril, are our specialists in hypertrophy training and bodybuilding. Kiril is a medical student and therefore is not only well-versed in human anatomy through his own training experiences but also through his daily studies. Florian, in the course of his biology studies, deals with this topic on a daily basis and has been successfully applying his knowledge as a trainer and trainee for several years.

   Details & booking

Fit & Gesund Workshops (Kopie 1)

Mobility Workshop

Pull-ups, push-ups or dips? If you want to learn more about training with your own body weight, then this workshop is for you. We offer you in-depth knowledge and practical techniques to help you get started in the world of calisthenics. 

Contents of the Workshops

  • Basic anatomical and biomechanical knowledge
  • Active mobility and improvement of the range of motion
  • Learning specific exercises
  • Consideration of typical sources of error
  • Prevention of injuries

About the coach

Coach Kai is our specialist in bodyweight training. Although mobility is particularly important in calisthenics, a mobile, agile body is always more powerful and resilient. For this reason, Kai would like to pass on his expertise to all passionate athletes.

   Details & booking

Injury Prevention Workshop

Would you like to prevent injuries to stay fit and healthy in the long run? Then this workshop is just right for you! Together we will explore the basics of injury prevention and learn practical strategies to make your training safer and more effective. After the workshop, you will have a deeper understanding of the building blocks of injury prevention and be able to work specifically on your fitness and health. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, there is something for everyone.

Contents of the Workshops

  • Nutrition
    • Sensible distribution of macronutrients
    • Anti-inflammatory diet
    • Frequency of meals
  • Mobility
    • Releasing shortening and minimising pain
    • Optimal duration of stretching positions
    • Stretching with additional load
    • Which parts of the body should be mobilised?
  • Strength/endurance training
    • Optimal type of training for injury prevention
    • Recommended duration of training sessions

About the coach

Sergej Almassov is a nutrition coach and fitness trainer. He has been working with endurance and strength athletes for many years and specialises in improving recovery and performance.

   Details & booking