The City of Tübingen offers diverse and flexible childcare options ranging from traditional forms of half-day Kindergarten to full-day-care for children from the age of one year, as well as after- (and pre-)school-care for pupils. Please note that the full-day-care positions are contested. We therefore recommend applying for a place as early as possible!
Since 2011, all full-day-care positions are allocated by the municipal childcare department. If you need a place for your child from Sept. 2012 onwards, you need to register no later than March the 25th 2012. You can apply for a place personally, by letter, or by email. Please use the municipal application form (download here) that is found on the website of the Tübingen City childcare department (for reference: here).
NOTE: Due to the city’s immediate-action-programme there’s a chance for a last-minute-place.
If you need a half-time place for your child you can directly contact the institution of your choice. You find an overview of the Tübingen Kitas and kindergartens on the municipal childcare department’s web pages where all facilities (municipal and non-municipal institutions) are listed. Here you can also attach the latest version of the Tübingen Kita charges depending on and staggered by family income, as well as further relevant information regarding childcare in Tübingen.