
Getting started and orientation for international students

Starting out can be difficult. In the first few weeks, you will experience many new things. We aim to help you find your way around the University.

Arrival and Orientation


Dormitories, housing market, mailing list

Buddy Program

Get a local buddy, semester program, university sports

Introductory events

Orientation weeks: General & subject-specific events

Service Desks

Help Desk, Info Point, Genius Bar, Info Points Mensa

Preparatory courses

Advisory Course, Academic Writing Course, German

Semester schedule

Course registration, course advising, alma instructions

Your question/topic was not included? You can also find answers to the most frequently asked questions in our FAQ for international students or just ask our Help Desk Team international-helpdeskspam prevention@zv.uni-tubingen.de

During the studies

Leisure activities

Get-together, coffee hour, student groups

Examination phase

Exam registration, Examinations office, alma instructions

Study funding

Rising costs? Special life circumstances? Extending the duration of studies?


Study techniques, personal skills, languages & IT

Indvidual counceling

Reorientation? Conflicts or stress? Other difficulties?

Switch (program)

Application/Admission, exmatriculation, tuition fees, PhD

Your question/topic was not included? You can also find answers to the most frequently asked questions in our FAQ for international students or just ask our Help Desk Team international-helpdeskspam prevention@zv.uni-tubingen.de