
Ausschreibung im Bereich Mathematik


The Abel Price

Deadline: September 1st of every year

The Abel Prize is a scientific prize, awarded within the discipline of mathematics. The Abel Prize is named in honour of the Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel (1802 – 1829). It was established by the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget) in 2002, which marked the 200th anniversary of Abel’s birth. The Prize is awarded annually by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters on behalf of the Norwegian government, more specifically the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.

  • The Prize is 7,5 million Norwegian Kroner
  • The Prize is awarded by The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, on behalf of the Ministry of Education
  • The Abel Committee, consisting of five leading mathematicians from throughout the world, holds the task of appraising nominated candidates and recommend a worthy winner


Any living mathematician may be nominated.
The right to nominate is open to anyone. Nominations are confidential and a nomination should not be made known to the nominee. The prize can be awarded to a single person or shared for closely related fundamental contributions. Deceased persons cannot be nominated. If an Abel Laureate passes away before receiving the prize, then the prize will be awarded post mortem. Self-nominations will not be considered.

The nomination should be accompanied by a CV, a description of the work and impact of the nominee/nominees, together with names of distinguished specialists in the field of the nominee/nominees who can be contacted for an independent opinion.

The nomination deadline is September 1st  for the nomination to be considered for the Abel Prize the following year.

More infromation can be found at https://abelprize.no/page/about-abel-prize 
If you have further questions, please contact abelprisenspam prevention@dnva.no 
