Carbonate Microfacies

Microfacies analysis is used to access the taxonomy, taphonomy and paleoecology of major and minor components in carbonates and use them for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Quantification using point counting and semi-quantitative methods allow components relationships and dominance to be followed across geographic and temporal boundaries. Microtaphofacies allows taphonomic processes (fragmentation, abrasion, encrustation, bioerosion) of components in indurated limestones to be assessed. Material originates from extensive field studies in the circumalpine Cenozoic deposits and the Jurassic Trento Platform.

Eocene Nummulitic Limestone with large nummulites, orthophragminids, coralline algae and bryozoans. see Bassi, D., Nebelsick, J.H., Puga-Bernabéu, Á. & Luciani, V. (2013)

Encrusting theceidan brachiopods from Paleogene circumalpine carbonates.

Nebelsick, Bassi & Rasser 2011.

Bioerosion and Encrustation by coralline algae and encrusting foraminifera in Oligocene Coral. Silvestri, Bosellini & Nebelsick 2011.

Recent Publications:

Bassi, D., Nebelsick, J.H., Puga-Bernabéu, Á. & Luciani, V. (2013): Middle Eocene larger Nummulites palaeohighs and their offshore re-deposition: a case study from the Middle Eocene of the Venetian area, northeast Italy. Sedimentary Geology, 297, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2013.08.012.

Nebelsick, J.H., Bassi, D. & Lempp, J. (2013): Tracking palaeoenvironmental change using coralline red algal diversity, growth forms and taphonomy in the Lower Oligocene Calcareniti di Castelgomberto formation (Monti Berici, Italy). Facies 59, 133–148. DOI 10.1007/s10347-012-0349-6.

Nebelsick, J.H., Bassi, D. & Rasser, M.W. (2011): Microtaphofacies: Exploring the potential for taphonomic analysis in carbonates. In: Allison, P. & Bottjer, D.J. (eds) Taphonomy: Process and Bias through time. 2nd Ed. Topics in Geobiology, 32, 337-377. Springer Science + Business, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York.

Nebelsick, J.H., Bassi, D. & Rasser M.H. (2011): Cryptic relicts from the past - encrusting thecideidan brachiopods in Paleogene circumalpine carbonates. Annalen des Naturhistorischen. Museums Wien, Serie A 113, 525-542.

Silvestri, G., Bosellini, F.R. & Nebelsick, J.H. (2011): Microtaphofacies analysis of Lower Oligocene turbid-water coral assemblages. Palaios, 26, 805-820.

Bassi, D. & Nebelsick, J.H. (2010): Components, facies and ramps: redefining Upper Oligocene shallow water carbonates using coralline red algae and larger foraminifera (Venetian area, northeast Italy). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 295, 258-280.