Women in Phoenician Society

In cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research Tübingen

The ancient Greek and modern cliché of Phoenicians is defined by (male) seafarers and traders, even though classical sources now and then explicitly mention Phoenician women (“The Phoenician Women” by Euripides, the foundation of Carthage by Elissa/Dido). This might be the reason why Phoenician women have never played an independent, comprehensive role in research. Yet archaeological, epigraphic and religious studies provide abundant data on the role and status of Phoenician women.

It is the objective of this workshop to bring together various scholars who have already contributed to the research about women in Phoenician society, and to discuss the basic data as well as the methodological and theoretical framework. The workshop is organised as part of a seminar in order to get students involved in current research problems and perspectives.

If you would like to attend, please register via infospam prevention@zgd.uni-tuebingen.de.

Prof. Dr. Bärbel Morstadt
baerbel.morstadtspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Der eintägige interdisziplinäre Workshop "Women in Phoenician Society" am 23. Februar 2017 kann bei regelmäßiger Teilnahme und Übernahme einer Prüfungsleistung als Übung (4LP) für die Module 8.2 oder 9.2 angerechnet werden.
Eine Besprechung hierzu findet am 10.02.2017, 15 Uhr, in Raum 161 ("Diathek") statt.


23rd Febuary 2017

09:00 c.t.Welcome and Introduction
09:30Phoenician Archaeological and Iconographic Sources
Helen Dixon (Helsinki)Beyond the „Woman in the Window“: Reexamining Sources for the Study of Levantine Phoenician Women
Bärbel Morstadt (Bochum/Tübingen)Women in Phoenician burials

10:50 -

Coffee break
11:10Aspects of Phoenician Iconography
Adriano Orsingher (Tübingen)The iconography of Astarte and entangled identities: the contribution of female masks
Ida Oggiano (Rome)Vestire gli ignudi. The appearance of dress in Iron Age Phoenician figurines
12:30 UhrLunch
13:30Theoretical and Methodological complements
Miriam Haidle (Heidelberg)Goddess, pin-up, symbol of fertility? Venus figurines and the role of women in the European Upper Palaeolithic
Bruno Wiedermann (Tübingen)Woman, gender or interdependent category? Intersectionality as an analytical concept in gender history
14:50 -
Coffee Break

Evidence from Phoenician Written Sources

Paolo Xella (Rome)Phoenician „Female“: between Heaven and Earth
Florian Lippke (Fribourg)Batnoʿam, ʾImmîʿaschtart, RDN and WDD. Basic aspects of gender in Phoenician epigraphy and beyond
16:30General discussion