
Valerie Palmowski, M.A.


SFB 1070 ResourceCultures

Gartenstraße 29

Room 311

Tel.: +49-(0)7071-29-73589

Email: Valerie.Palmowskispam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de




B 06: Humans and Resources in the Migration Period and the Early Middle Ages Anthropological und Bioarchaeological Analyses of the Use of Food Resources and the Detection of Migrations


Academic Education

since Oct. 2017 Scientific member in the SFB 1070

Member of the SFB 1070 Executive Board, representative of the PhD students


Master of Arts, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen (Theme of the work: „Knochenarbeit im Diesseits, Reichtum im Jenseits? Das alamannische Gräberfeld von Fridingen an der Donau – Eine osteoarchäologische Analyse“)


Bachelor of Arts, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen (Theme of the work: „Die Kirchenbestattungen von Burladingen und Schelklingen-Schmiechen, Analyse einzelner Individuen im Kontext eines frühen Nobilifizierungsprozesses“)


Research Focuses

  • Early Middle Ages
  • Viking age
  • Osteoarchaeology, in particular enthesial changes of the human skeleton
  • social structure
  • Dissertation project within the framework of SFB 1070 on traces of resource use on human skeletal remains of the Viking Age


Awards and Scholarships

2015 - 2017 Funding by the Institute for Pre- and Early History and Archaeology of the Middle Ages, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, in the context of the palaeoanthropological evaluation of human skeletal remains of the Rottenburger Sülchenkirche
2015 - 2016 Support for outstanding academic achievements with the Germany Scholarship


Membership and personal Commitment