Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Ria Litzenberg

Ria Litzenberg is a student of Pre- and Early History in Tübingen. Her research focuses on the Palaeolithic. She gained excavation experience mainly in France and South Africa. In her bachelor thesis " Materialübergreifende Analyse des GH 16 der Grotte de la Verpillière I in Germolles, Gemeinde Mellecey (Saône-et-Loire, Frankreich)" she analysed a Middle Palaeolithic horizon. The sponsored master thesis „Paläolithische Rondelle – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Funde aus Süddeutschland und der Schweiz“, supervised by Prof. Dr. Harald Floss, now deals with the Upper Palaeolithic. In prehistoric research small round discs with a hole in the middle are called „rondelles”. They are found throughout the Upper Palaeolithic of Europe, especially during Magdalenian times. However, their function has not yet been clarified. This work attempts to shed more light on this artefact group. In addition to the question of the rondelles’ function, topics such as the spatial and temporal distribution of the discs, the method of production and the artistic design of the objects will be discussed. The aim is to gain new insights into the way of life as well as into people’s social structures and networks in the Palaeolithic.