University Library

TAD article delivery

TAD = "Tübinger AufsatzlieferDienst" is a free article delivery service provided by the university library for members of staff of the University of Tübingen. We deliver a scanned version of articles from periodicals and festschrifts which are in our collection and are not available online.

Who can order?

You can send an order if you are a member of staff of the University of Tübingen.

TAD orders using our catalogue

TAD orders using ixtheo

The database ixtheo, created by the library's own theological department, provides an elegant means of searching for specific articles and ordering them directly via TAD. This is only available using the German version.

Under each article displayed in the database you will find a TAD link. When you click on this, the order form will appear already filled out with the bibliographical information. You only have to add your name and email address and choose the format and delivery method.

How and when will the articles be delivered?

Normally you will receive the article within 3 working days, though it may take longer if you have ordered an extensive article. We reserve the right to decline orders which exceed our capacities and will contact you if this is the case.

Delivery format

Delivery methods

Please note:

Due to copyright law we are required to delete your article after two weeks, even if you have not downloaded it.

We will send you an email if we cannot fulfill your order. (The requested volume may temporarily be unavailable.)

Please direct your enquiries to:

TAD - Tübinger Aufsatzdienst
Alexandra Escher
Tel.: 29-72833

Have you already heard about our related service TAD-edu ?