Language and Cognition

Understanding the meaning of words and sentences: The role of non-linguistic processes

Click here for the complete program and abstracts

Hosted by the SfB 833 "The Construction of Meaning" at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen funded by the DFG

Projects B4 (Barbara Kaup) & B7 (Rolf Ulrich / Claudia Maienborn, SfB 833)

September 2012, 16th-19th


Ruth Filik, University of Nottingham:

How do we understand irony? A multi-method approach.

Daniel Bub, University of Victoria:

What John did with a cellphone and why: On the temporal dynamics of hand action representations evoked during sentence comprehension.

Benjamin K. Bergen, University of California, San Diego:

A new perspective on grammatical person.

Gerry Altmann, York University:

Objects compete with themselves: The role of non-linguistic competition during event comprehension.

Frank Durgin, Swarthmore College:

Predictive efficiency as a source of error in perception and language processing.

Pienie Zwitserlood, Universität Münster:

Identifying and naming actions: Fast uptake of visual information from action scenes.

Berry Claus, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:

Non-linguistic processes and sentence modality: Desiderative mode and approach/avoidance actions.

Rolf Ulrich, Universität Tübingen:

Representational overlap of time and space.

Silvia Gennari, York University:

Representing time in language and cognition.

Julio Santiago, Universidad de Granada:

Reading direction effects on language comprehension: short-term versus long-term influences.

Barbara Kaup, Universität Tübingen:

Meaning composition and mental simulation: Effects beyond the word level.

Eiling Yee, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language:

Word meanings can be quite handy (and shapely!).

Rolf Zwaan, Erasmus University Rotterdam:

Mental Simulation Revisited: Six Replication Attempts.

Poster session:

Berry Claus: Verb gapping: John opens a juice bottle and Jim a lemonade bottle – Novel evidence for the on-line reactivation of gapped verb information?

Juanma de la Fuente, Julio Santiago, Antonio Román, Cristina Dumitrache, & Daniel Casasanto: Facing the past: Cognitive flexibility in the front-back mapping of time.

Irmgard de la Vega: Approach and avoidance: Meaning-composition processes in sentences.

Carolin Dudschig: Sky versus earth: The influence of words on visuospatial attention.

Anita Eerland & Rolf Zwaan: The influence of direct and indirect speech on mental simulations.

Verena Eikmeier & Rolf Ulrich: The influence of spatial priming on processing of time-related words.

Anja Fiedler & Hannes Schröter:
Redundancy Gain for Semantic Features.

Martin Lachmair: A number - object word priming effect: low numbers prime "root" and high numbers prime "roof".

Les Sikos & Frank H. Durgin: The cost of extending vs. mixing metaphors: An ERP study.