Cell Biology

The MSc MCBI program is discontinued.

The Department of Biology is offering a new MSc program covering Molecular Cell Bioloy and Immunology (MSc Cellular and Immunological Biosciences) that will start in October 2024.

Application deadline: May 31st, 2024

Link to the Application Portal



MSc program 'Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology'

--- applications until 2023 ---

The Interfaculty Institute of Cell Biology (IFIZ) offers a 2-years degree program M.Sc. Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology (MSc MCBI) comprising 18 months of courses and a 6 months master thesis. With the exception of a few optional courses, most courses are taught in English.

The MSc MCBI program provides students with both, theory and hands-on experience, regarding the latest research developments in molecular and cellular biology, immunology, proteomics and developmental genetics.

In addition, students have the option to broaden their studies in one of the three offered supplementary subjects: Ethics in Life Sciences, Human Genetics or Parasitology.

During the program, students will also develop important general professional skills. These include experiences in working independently and as part of a team or a collaboration, design and management of research projects, and the communication of research.

The research groups of the Institute, of the institutions of the Faculties of Science and of Medicine, and groups of the Max-Planck Institute for Developmental Biology offer a variety of courses, which students can combine according to their interests (for details see MSc MCBI Curriculum).

The application and admission procedures are specified in the MSc MCBI section of the Department of Biology.

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