The Horrea Agrippiana in Rome: A new study

The Horrea Agrippiana, situated on the Clivus Tuscus between the Forum Boarium and the Forum Romanum are the oldest, monumental Horrea in the city of Rome. They were most likely commissioned by Agrippa in early or high Augustan times and consist of a rough square surrounded by a Corinthian Portico and ca. 30 Tabernae. Epigraphical evidence suggests that the Horrea were mainly used for the purpose of distributing clothing.

The objective of the project, which is carried out in collaboration with the Soprintendenza Statale di Rom (Francesco Prosperetti) and the German Archaeological Institute, Rome (Ortwin Dally), is the photographic documentation of the architectural remains and to make them digitally accessible. In addition, the current suggestions for the reconstruction of the Horrea are critically assessed and modified with the purpose of better understanding the Horrea in their architectural and historical significance.

Prof. Dr. Johannes Lipps
Institute of Classical Archaeology
Schloss Hohentübingen
Burgsteige 11
72070 Tübingen

In collaboration with:
Prof. Dr. Ortwin Dally
Director of the Rome Department of the German Archaeological Institute
German Archaeological Institute, Rome Department
Via Valadier 37
00193 Rome