Center for Islamic Theology

Further Offers

Diversity-oriented Center for Writing
All about Academic Writing

The diversity-oriented center for writing helps you with all questions related to academic writing. We offer workshops, general and individual advice on writing, writing events and other forms of support. Here you will find help and support for the writing of academic texts.

In our practice-oriented workshops, you will receive the necessary “equipment” to be able to deal with your writing projects. Through our  services, we will accompany you in your writing process. Together we will find answers to your specific questions and support you to develop novel solutions.

Regularly, we offer writing events. They give you the opportunity to focus entirely on your writing projects together with other students. Here you can enjoy the special atmosphere of writing in a community. Advisors on writing will be present for help. The biggest event of this type is the “long night of postponed papers”, that took place for the fourth time in March 2015. Each time, several hundreds of students from Tübingen partake in this event.

On our website, you will find overall information on our offers, an overview of all workshops that are offered at Tübingen University, and advice and tutorials for academic writing. In addition, you can find a collection of teaching and exercising material at your disposal.

Dezernat II – Studium und Lehre
Diversitätsorientiertes Schreibzentrum
Nauklerstraße 2, 72074 Tübingen
+49 7071 29-76829
+49 7071 29-76830

Career Service

Career Service is a unit in our department of studies and teaching. The Career Service comprises several aspects: on the one hand, it offers the course program “Studium Professionale” on interdisciplinary competences and orientation. On the other, it is part of the university’s advisory commission which gives gives advice on professional orientation, internships, application workshops and academic careers, both during the studies and at the end of the degree. In addition, the Career Service offers a wide range of information and a central job portal both for students looking for an internship and for graduates.

Key Qualifications

Key qualifications are interdisciplinary which consitute an obligatory part of all Bachelor degrees. In general, the examination regulations call for 21 ECTS-points (out of 180 points that you need in total as a Bachelor) in this field. (You can look up the number of ECTS-points needed for you degree in your examination regulations or you can ask your study advisor.) This means, that all beginners need to do courses for interdisciplinary competence from the beginning of their studies until their professional studies. Out of the 30 ECTS-points that you have to accomplish each semester, you should do 3-4 ECTS-points in key qualifications. Some of them will be offered within your study degree.

You can earn ECTS-points for key qualification by attending courses of the “Studium Professionale”, by doing internships, by attending language classes at the Language Learning Center, by being a tutor for German as foreign language, by attending EDP-courses at the Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung (ZDV), and by attending to offers of the faculties and other institutions. You can find these offers in the rear part of the semester program “Studium Professionale”.

Thanks to the course program “Studium Professionale”, the University of Tübingen offers all of its students the opportunity to acquire interdisciplinary and profession-oriented qualifications in special seminars. In addition, you can define your profile within the interdisciplinary study options. Out of nine intensive modules (e.g. “Rhethorics and Communication”, “Business and Management”, “Studium Oecologicum”, see also “Service Learning”), you can earn certificates if you partake in several courses of one key area. You can find further information on the certificates here.

Each semester, we offer courses in five learning areas: Interdisciplinary contents (society, sustainability, responsibility, justice), Academic Work, Communication in Studies and Profession, Creativity, and Professional Preparation. Usually, the courses are without grades. If the examination boards of a study degree demands a grade, you will receive a grade. The courses take place during the semester (e.g. as block seminar, partly on weekends) or during the lecture-free period.