Department of Computer Science

Student Council

According to the state law on universities and colleges (Landeshochschulgesetz, LHG) the Student Council (Fachschaft) is the students' commission within the Faculty Council (Fakultaetsrat), and consists of six members. In everyday usage, however, the word 'Fachschaft' refers to all students interested and engaged in students' autonomous government and self-administrated activities. The Student Councils play a role in several bodies of the University: Faculty Council, Studies Commission (Studienkommission), Appointment Committees (Berufungskommissionen), Board of Examiners (Pruefungsausschuss). It engages in debates on studies-related topics and provides assistance to newly-arrived students. The Student Council has its own web presence which offers detailed information on their offers and activities (German only).

Student Council Computer Science

University of Tübingen
Department of Computer Science
Sand 14, Room C 125
72076 Tübingen
+49 7071 29-70413
Website of the Students Council Computer Science