Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)

Inclusion, Diversity, and Heterogenity


The field of work Inclusion, Diversity, and Heterogeneity focuses on the analysis of gender construction, cultural differences, social inequality, disability, as well as language competences, giftedness and achievement.

It is aimed at working with knowledge of education and cultural and social sciences in order to develop teacher education in Tübingen. This knowledge is applied to the development of requirements of teachers, trainee teachers, students in school internships, etc.

The topic of inclusion is analysed theoretically and empirically with special consideration to systemic and structural conditions. This leads to questions of institutionalized problems regarding migrancy and linguistic diversity within the education system.

The field of work Inclusion, Diversity, and Heterogenity encompasses three subareas:

The subareas "Inclusion and Diversity" and "Migration and Refugees" are led by Prof. Dr. Marcus Emmerich. These areas focus on the theoretical and empirical analysis of difference and inequality in school, class, and society. In particular, questions of inclusion and exclusion are analyed at the organizational levels of the educational system.

Prof. Dr. Doreen Bryant is responsible for the area of "Language-Sensitive Teaching," which deals with linguistic diversity and multilingualism. A fundamental goal of this field is to normalize and recognize linguistic diversity in the classroom. "Language-Sensitive Teaching" also tackles discussion and reflection on concepts and methods of linguistic-specific education in the school system.

Within the context of Bildungswissenschaftlichen Studiums, a new study program that will start in the winter semester 2018/19, an "Inclusion, Diversity, and Heterogenity" module will be offered. The module is worth 9 LP credits and consists of three submodules (Introduction to Inclusion, Diversity, and Heterogenity; Inclusion, Diversity, and Heterogenity in the Context of School; Linguistic Diversity). Future teachers will have the opportunity to build professional skills in dealing with difference, inequality, and multilingual students.

This field of work was incorporated into the Tübingen School of Education due to a demand for expertise in inclusion, diversity, and heterogenity in all phases of education.

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