International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Team members




Ammicht Quinn Regina

Head of the department Society, Culture and Technological Change

Head of the research focus Security Ethics


Gabriele Library
Baur Andreas

Society, Culture and Technological Change
Projects: PRIDS within Forum Privacy, digilog@bw

Bellon Jacqueline Society, Culture and Technological Change
Project: ESTER
Betz Carina

Nature and Sustainable Development

Project: KuNaH

Bon Laura Managing Office



Scientific Coordinator of the Platform 4

Project: Competence Centre for Sustainable Development

Brand Cordula

Executive Manager and Scientific Coordinator

Projects: Leadership Ethics, Organizational Ethics, Public Welfare in the Age of Digitalization

Brandner Lou Therese

Society, Culture and Technological Change

Project: Pegasus

Bux Martin Gesellschaft, Kultur und technischer Wandel
Bühler Jan-David Society, Culture and Technological Change
Franzke Aline Shakti Society, Culture and Technological Change
Gabel Friedrich

Society, Culture and Technological Change
Projects: aKtIv, KIM

Gießler Sebastian Society, Culture and Technological Change
Gressel Céline

Society, Culture and Technological Change
Project: HIVE-Lab, ESTER

Grundmann Diana

Nature and Sustainable Development

Project: Competence Centre for Sustainable Development

Grüninger Julia Managing Office
Hecktor Jana

Society, Culture and Technological Change

Project: PriBizz

Heesen Jessica

Society, Culture and Technological Change

Head of the research focus Media Ethics and Information Technology

Hennig Martin

Society, Culture and Technological Change

Projects: Plattform Lernende Systeme, HIVE-LabThe Interactive gaze

Hirsbrunner Simon David

Society, Culture and Technological Change

Project: PEGASUS

Irion Maximilian

Nature and Sustainable Development

Project: Competence Centre for Sustainable Development

Jacobi Andrea Administration


Kristína Society, Culture and Technological Change
Kellner Florian Nature and Sustainable Development
Koeritz Lisa

Society, Culture and Technological Change

Project: ANKER

Krause Katharina Society, Culture and Technological Change
Krampe Theresa

Society, Culture and Technological Change

Project: The Interactive Gaze; PRIDS



Society, Culture and Technological Change
Projects: AUPIK, RESIK

Loh Wulf

Society, Culture and Technological Change

Lutz Ralf Nature and Sustainable Development
Project: LeNa Shape
Manegold Friederike Society, Culture and Technological Change
Marzluf Teresa Society, Culture and Technological Change
Meisch Simon Ethics and Education
Methner Deborah Society, Culture and Technological Change
Mezdour Lukman Library
Müller Uta

Head of Ethics and Education

Projects: EPG Coordination, Leadership Ethics

Orlowski Alexander

Society, Culture and Technological Change

Project: TANGO

Pawelec Maria

Society, Culture and Technological Change

Project: PREVENT

Pfisterer Sonja Society, Culture and Technological Change
Pommerenke Annalena Press and public relations
Potthast Thomas

Spokesperson of the IZEW

Head of the department Nature and Sustainable Development

Prinz Christopher

Managing office

Raus Pascal

Managing office

Roppelt Alexander

Society, Culture and Technological Change

Project: RESIK

Sapper Claire Press and public relations
Scharte Benjamin Society, Culture and Technological Change
Schelenz Laura

Society, Culture and Technological Change
Project: WeNet

Schlee Matthias


Schlegel Lena Society, Culture and Technological Change
Schmidt Arno Nature and Sustainable Development
Project: Studium Oecologicum
Schobert Maira

Society, Culture and Technological Change
Project: BuildERS

Schopp Kerstin

Nature and Sustainable Development
Projects: BATATA

Schreiber Carlina Society, Culture and Technological Change
Sievi Luzia

Society, Culture and Technological Change

Projects: Podesta, Führungsethik and Prevent

Spindler Mone

Society, Culture and Technological Change
Project: IDeA, ESTER, Cluster Integrierte Forschung

Spöhrer Markus Society, Culture and Technological Change
Projekt: The Interactive Gaze
Stapf Ingrid

Society, Culture and Technological Change
Project: Forum Privacy

Stark Amira Society, Culture and Technological Change
Vondermaßen Marcel

Scientific Coordinator and Deputy Executive Manager
Project: KOPHIS, Leadership Ethics

Wagner Celine  Press and public relations
Wallis Marco Managing office
Wallner Judith Gesellschaft, Kultur und technischer Wandel
Weber Lukas Managing office, Library
Weeber Konstantin Society, Culture and Technological Change
Weihgold Vanessa Press and public relations
Weynand Maike

Nature and Sustainable Development

Project: Competence Centre for Sustainable Development



Society, Culture and Technological Change

Projects: AUPIK, Co-Care

Wiesing Urban Member of the executive committee
Yazdani Homa Society, Culture and Technological Change
Zaman Nilima Press and public relations
Zimmermann Wiebke

Nature and Sustainable Development

Project: Sustainable Development and Science Ethics

Zysik Christopher Society, Culture and Technological Change