Center for Plant Molecular Biology

Research Group Üstün

Proteolytic degradation pathways and their role in plant immunity


The Ustun Lab is searching for a new member (Postdoc) to continue our ERC funded project DIVERSIPHAGY-Utilizing diversity to decipher the role of autophagy in plant-microbe interactions. Within this project we want to obtain a holistic view of how autophagy plays a role in plant-microbe interactions utilizing bacterial, genetic and cellular diversity. So far, we have identified that (i) root microbiota are inducing autophagy in roots and shoots (ii) commensal bacteria can compensate impaired growth of autophagy mutants and (iii) specific bacteria are enriched/depleted under autophagy modulated conditions. We are looking for a postdoc with a background in plant microbiome research and general experience in plant molecular biology. A huge plus, but not a requirement, is bioinformatics skills to analyze large data-sets. The positions are available from immediately and will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. Please send the application via email to suayib.uestuenspam More info also here:



Students who are interested to do their bachelor or master thesis as well as internships to get experience in plant molecular biology including biochemistry, cell biology and phytopathology are welcome to apply. Please send us your current CV including at least one reference and a letter of motivation.

Visiting scientists:

Researchers who wish to collaborate on related projects (proteasome, autophagy, effector biology, host-bacteria interactions) are welcome to join our lab for weeks/months. Please contact Dr. Suayib Üstün to discuss possibilities and funding opportunities.

Postdoctoral positions:

Postdoctoral scientists with a strong research track record who are interested in joining our lab to work on proteolytic degradation pathways or related topics are most welcome to discuss individual funding opportunities. Please provide a research statement and a CV including two references. Appropriate fundings for postdocs: 
Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) | EMBO Fellowship (EMBO) |
Marie Curie Fellowship (MC) | Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)