Institute of Political Science

Akademischer Werdegang

Studium der Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie und Psychologie in Tübingen

Promotion mit dem Thema „Gesellschaft – Individuum – Gouvernementalität. Theoretische und Empirische Beiträge zur Analyse der Postmoderne“


Beruflicher Werdegang


SoSe 2017

WiSe 2016

SoSe 2016

WiSe 2015/2016

SoSe 2014

Lehrveranstaltungen vergangener Semester finden Sie hier.

Dr. Rolf Frankenberger

Akademischer Rat

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Institute of Political Science
Research Unit Comparative Public Policy
Melanchthonstrasse 36, 72074 Tübingen

Room 019

 +49-(0)7071 29-74998

Office Hours: by appointment


Rolf Frankenberger studied Political Science, Sociology and Psychology at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen (Magister Artium 2003; Dr. rer. Soc. 2007). He is working as a lecturer and researcher at the University of Tübingen since 2003. In 2016, he was appointed Akademischer Rat (which is a rough equivalent to senior researcher and lecturer).

Research Interests

Rolf does research using qualitative and multi-method approaches in political economy and comparative politics. He is especially interested in autocracies and authoritarian rule, participation and political lifeworlds. Most recently, he is doing research on understandings of democracy and populism.


Rolf is teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in foundations of political science, reasearch methods, comparative politics, and political economy. He is also student advisor for the B.A. study programs in political science.

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