University Library

German Studies

The University Library consults with the German Department on the acquisition of literature for German studies.

University Library contact:

Suggest a book or other library resource if you believe we lack an important work. This list shows recently purchased media.

Literature by subject

can be found in the University Library in the "germ" section

  • in the Ammerbau reference holdings (non-circulating reference works)
  • in the Circulation Desk textbook collection (circulating textbooks and basic literature)
  • in the Ammerbau journal display (non-circulating current journals)


German Studies - Inventory profile

German Studies has been taught at the University of Tübingen since the 19th century, initially as Medieval Studies and Linguistics, and since 1920 continuously also as Literary History. Today, Dutch and Scandinavian Studies are also part of the program. In addition to handbooks, textbooks and reference works, the library also acquires a selection of source and research literature covering the entire range of the subject. The UB consults with the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures.

German-language contemporary literature is purchased by the UB in selection, with a focus on authors from southern Germany. Dutch and Scandinavian contemporary literature can also be purchased in German translation only in selection; the original language texts are purchased for the Brechtbaubibliothek (Faculty Library of Modern Philology).

The most important periodicals are held in the UB and in the Faculty Library; more specialized titles are held by the UB to supplement the holdings of the Faculty Library.

In addition to modern literature, there is an extensive old collection (acquisitions before 1960), which can be found mainly in the shelf mark group Ck I (Occidental languages. General), Ck VIII (Old Norse), Ck IX (Swedish), Ck X (Danish and Norwegian) and Ck XI (German and Gothic).

The holdings of the 19th and 20th centuries show that German studies in Tübingen had a high status during this time. Both the literary texts and the research literature of the time are present; the UB did not suffer any losses due to the war.

The UB Tübingen also gained from the accession of important private collections in the 19th century. The collections of Wilhelm Hertz and Ludwig Uhland are to be emphasized here. Among the special features of the holdings are a collection of 45 Robinsonades, a collection of Wertheriads, which has recently been supplemented by acquisitions, and a collection of about 180 songbooks (from the 19th century).