University Library

Slavic Studies

The University Library consults with the Department of Slavic Studies on the acquisition of literature.

University Library contact:

Suggest a book or other library resource if you believe we lack an important work. This list shows recently purchased media.

Electronic acquisitions


Literature by subject

can be found in the University Library

  • in the Ammerbau reference holdings (non-circulating reference works) in the "slav" section
  • in the Circulation Desk textbook collection (circulating textbooks and basic literature) in the "lilli C" section
  • in the Ammerbau journal display (non-circulating current journals) in the "slav" section


Stock profile

The University Library acquires literature on all subfields of Slavic studies. However, due to the limited resources, especially the more recent fiction can only be acquired in a narrow selection. Likewise, fiction translations into German are acquired to a limited extent.

Within the old holdings (from the 15th/16th century to the acquisition year 1960) literature on the Slavic languages can be found under "Ck XII", on the Slavic literatures under "Dk XIII to XVI".

Last but not least, 41 Bibles in Slavic languages are worth mentioning, including Reformation prints from the Urach Bible Institute of Primus Truber (under "Ga III").

An important addition from more recent times is the Russian library of the writer and translator Johannes von Guenther. It contains about 1,700 titles, including numerous rare books (first printings, dedication copies and bibliophilic works of Symbolism and Futurism).