TüDiLab – Tübingen Digital Teaching Lab
Brief Description
| The Tübingen Digital Teaching Lab (TüDiLab) simulates a classroom that is equipped with the current digital media and survey instruments. The TüDiLab serves the pursuit of two aims: (1) the practice-oriented professionalization of teaching staff with regard to their competences for designing media-based lessons in the framework of the TüSE, as well as (2) research on the impact of teaching considering digital media. The TüDiLab is available for the media didactic training of prospective teachers. Interactive whiteboards, a class set of laptops and tablets, beamers and a document camera can be used for this purpose. Teaching staff are to discover and test through practice which potentials digital media have for teaching and learning, how these can meaningfully be made useful for teaching, and which competences they but also their students must have, in order to draw any benefit from these potentials. Furthermore, the TüDiLab facilitates research on the characteristics and effects of media-based teaching. To this end, a classroom is simulated in the TüDiLab, which is equipped with various survey instruments. Their data allow a high-resolution temporal description of teaching and learning processes in real classroom situations. Teachers can be invited to teach in the TüDiLab with their classes. Video cameras make it possible to record the teaching processes that take place. Furthermore, at all thirty workstations, devices for recording eye movements are available for each student. The classroom furniture is also flexible and mobile, allowing the TüDiLab to be redesigned easily for different teaching scenarios |
Funding | Funding Line „Leuchttürme der Lehrerbildung ausbauen“, Program „Lehrerbildung in Baden-Württemberg“, Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) Baden-Württemberg |
Duration | 2016 - 2021 |
Cooperations | Numerous university subjects and organizations, especially the Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media, Hector Research Institute for Educational Sciences and Psychology, LEAD |
Contact | Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media (IWM), Schleichstraße 6, 72076 Tübingen
Project Management: Prof. Dr. Katharina Scheiter, Contact Person for Teaching: Prof. Dr. Andreas Lachner, andreas.lachnerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de Academic Coordination: Juliane Richter, |