International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Digitalization in dialogue (digilog@bw)

digilog@bw is an interdisciplinary research network led by the University of Mannheim, the KIT and the University of Tübingen. The aim of the projects at the Ethics Center is to identify the influence of digitalization on individuals and society from an ethical point of view and to contribute to responsible problemsolving. Thus, on the basis of public dialogue events and in an interdisciplinary network, the foundations for a value-oriented digital change are to be developed.

Opening event digilog on September 11, 2019 at the ZKM


Project description

digilog@bw consists of three research lines, each dealing with central topics of digitalization from different perspectives: Autonomy, knowledge and participation. These three core topics of digitalization are crystallization points of a socially and democratically compatible technology design; they are closely interlinked and particularly ambivalent, so that their understanding is of outstanding importance for a proactive, positive design of digital change. The technical and political shaping of digitalization must start with them if digital change is to succeed for the benefit of mankind. The project Digitalization in Dialogue is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts. Further information: