International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)


Ethical and Social Aspects of Integrated Research. A project of the BMBF Cluster Integrated Research, Subcluster 2: Collaborative Interventions


Conference "Mensch-Technik-Verhältnisse transdisziplinär gestalten und reflektieren" (including the pre-conference "Global Justice, Technology, and Integrated Research")

Interactive Exhibition at the conference

YouTube Playlists pre-conference "Global Justice, Technology, and Integrated Research": Sessions & Keynotes; Unchaired YouTube Session




In technology development projects, a process-accompanying investigation of ethical, legal and social issues should take place, according to the basic idea of the BMBF's Integrated Research funding concept. To this end, representatives from disciplines such as ethics, law and social science as well as practical partners and citizens should be involved in innovation processes. Within the framework of the project ESTER of the Cluster Integrated Research, it will be investigated which ethical and social questions this research mode entails. Proposals will be developed on how these aspects can be included in the further development of the concept of "integrated research".

Podcast Cluster Integrated Research

Episode 1 - the goals of the research cluster


Duration: April 2021 – August 2024

Funding reference: 16SV8623

Funded by the BMBF

Further information about the cluster

The website of the Cluster Integrated Research is available at:


Associated partners

  • Michaela Shields, Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e.V.
  • Prof. Dr. Erik Fisher, School for the future of innovation in society, Arizona State University, USA
  • Theres Paulsen, td-net, Network for Transdisciplinary Research, Akademien d. Wissenschaften Schweiz