Marcel Fahrner and Ansgar Thiel in discussion with SWR sport journalist Michael Bollenbacher about economic and social-integrative aspects of sport.
During recent years, professional sports have developed into a multi-billion-dollar business around the globe. Also, leisure-type sports activities can be described as an important economic factor in many countries offering several ten thousand job opportunities nowadays – also in Germany. Moreover, sport has a socially inclusive and community-building effect.
In the context of the current discussions about economic and social impacts of corona-related restrictions on public life, SWR sport journalist Michael Bollenbacher talks to Marcel Fahrner and Ansgar Thiel about economic and social aspects of sport.
Since practicing sports implies physical activity, physical distance and infection prevention have a direct impact on all sport-related economic sectors and fields of action.
Both reports are part of SWR’s current key topic “Clubs and Corona in the Southwest”.