If university graduates want to start their own company, business management skills are indispensable in order to run it. In addition, a minor degree in business administration enables graduates to assess whether a business idea is viable and how it can best be implemented. The business idea, however, is usually based on the main subject study.
Taking over management tasks in non-business occupations
Regardless of the profession chosen, academic careers in many cases lead to positions in which management tasks are also assumed, such as responsibility for personnel or finance. Studying business administration as a minor subject makes it easier to successfully master the management tasks that arise. The basic qualification for the corresponding positions generally results from the choice of main subject and professional experience. In the field of history and empirical cultural studies, for example, this would be the case with a museum director.
(Classical) business management occupations as an alternative solution
Of course, a minor subject in business administration cannot prepare students for classic business management professions to the same extent as a major subject, but it offers an additional career option for minor subject students, for example to enter the job market outside of their subject or via the minor subject.