Department of Chemistry


MINT-Forum am 22.10.24

Dr. Shelley Rap vom Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel trägt zu "Enhancing Student Agency" vor.

Dr. Shelley Rap (Chemistry group, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) trägt im Rahmen unseres MINT-Forums zum Thema „Research and Implementation of Chemistry Programs for SDGs: Enhancing Student Agency" vor.

In recent years, chemistry education has increasingly emphasized the integration of sustainability principles and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into curricula, aiming to foster responsible global citizenship. This lecture will explore two educational programs designed to enhance critical thinking, digital literacy, and student engagement with environmental issues. I will present findings on the development of students' critical thinking skills, their participation in data-driven activism, and the strengthening of their sustainability agency, highlighting the transformative potential of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) within the chemistry classroom.

Datum & Zeit: 22.10.2024; 14.15 Uhr

Ort: MINT-Klassenzimmer, Raum: F4Q08 (F-Bau im 4. Stock)

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