Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Adjunct professor Dr. Patrick Schmidt



Abteilung für Ältere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie

Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters

Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen

Schloss Hohentübingen

Burgsteige 11

D-72070 Tübingen

Email: patrick.schmidt@uni-tuebingen.de

Current research



Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Germany)

Habilitation - Venia legendi for Archaeological sciences and Mineralogy

2008 - 2011

Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (France)

Dr. rer. nat.- Awarded in Mineralogy of Archaeomaterials

2006 - 2008

Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (France); Università degli studi di Ferrara (Italy);
University of the Philippines Diliman (The Philippines)

M. Sc. - Awarded in Prehistoric Archaeology and Quaternary Geology, Master program Erasmus Mundus Quaternary and Prehistoric

2004 - 2006

University Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne (France)

B.A. Awarded in Prehistoric Archaeology


Since 2013 Employed at University of Tübingen (third party funding)


Regular teaching at University of Tübingen

SS 22

ZNA-8: Silices als Rohmaterialien

(M.Sc. course)
WS 21/22 Microanalytics in Archaeology and Geosciences
WS 21/22

Chemie für Archäologen

(B.a. course)
SS 21

ZNA-8: Silices als Rohmaterialien

(M.Sc. course)
WS 20/21 Microanalytics in Archaeology and Geosciences
WS 20/21

Chemie für Archäologen

(B.a. course)
WS 20/21 Materialwissenschaften für Geowissenschaftler
SS 20

ZNA-8: Silices als Rohmaterialien

(M.Sc. course)
WS 19/20 NWA-4a: Archaeometry (M.Sc. course)
WS 19/20

Chemie für Archäologen

(B.a. course)
WS 19/20 Materialwissenschaften für Geowissenschaftler
SS 19 Microanalytics in Archaeology and Geosciences
SS 19

ZNA-8: Silices als Rohmaterialien

WS 18/19 NWA-4a: Archaeometry (M.Sc. course)
WS 18/19

Chemie für Archäologen (B.a. course)

WS 18/19 Materialwissenschaften für Geowissenschaftler (applied mineralogy group)
SS 18

ZNA-8: Silices als Rohmaterialien (M.Sc. course)

WS 17/18

NWA-4a: Archaeometry (M.Sc. course)

WS 17/18

Chemie für Archäologen (B.a. course)

SS 17

ZNA-8: Silices als Rohmaterialien (M.Sc. course)

WS 16/17

NWA-4a: Archaeometry (M.Sc. course)

SS 16

ZNA-8: Silices als Rohmaterialien (M.Sc. course)

WS 15/16 Lecture and seminar NWA-4: Archaeometry (M.Sc. course)
SS 15 Lecture seminar and field excursion ZNA-8: Silices als Rohmaterialien (M.Sc. course)
WS 14/15 Lecture and seminar ZNA-4 Archaeometry (M.Sc. course)
SS 14 Lecture and seminar ZNA-8: Silices als Rohmaterialien (M.Sc. course)
WS 13/14 Lecture and seminar Chemie Für Archäologen (B.A. course)
WS 13/14 Lecture Einführung in die Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie (B.A. course)
WS 13/14 Lecture and seminar ZNA-4 Archaeometry (M.Sc. course)
WS 12/13

Lecture and Seminar ZNA-4a Archaeometry (M.Sc. course)

Field experience

Geological field experience


Publications and oral presentations

Books, book chapters and encyclopedia entry:

Peer reviewed journals:

Oral and poster presentations (For oral presentations first author only):

Memberships in joint scientific projects and programs

06/2018 - present Member of the UISPP commission on Pyroarchaeology (PI: C. Miller)
02/2016 – present Member of the project PCR « Réseau de lithothèques en région Centre-Val-de-Loire », France (PI: V. Delvigne)
03/2011 - 09/2013

Member of the research project ANR-09-BLAN-0324-01, ProMiTraSil, (PI: V. Léa)

01/2011 - present

Member of the project PCR « Réseau de lithothèques en Rhône-Alpes », (PI: P. Fernandes)

01/2010 - 2012

Member of the project PCR « Entre plaines et montagnes : espaces de subsistance et expressions culturelles au Paléolithique moyen dans le Massif central (Auvergne-Ardèche) », (PIs: J.-P. Raynal, M.-H. Moncel)


German, English, French, Spanish, basic spoken Italian


Editorial Work


(A detailed list of editorial work can be viewed at Schmidt's Publons profile)

07/2013 - present: Member of the editorial board of the journal Archaeological and Anthropological Science (Springer).


02/2020 – present: Member of the Peer Community in Archaeology (PCI Archaeology)