Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Conferences (n=45)

  1. 26.-28.09.2024 Internationale Tagung Halle (Saale), 17th Archaeological Conference of Central Germany A Stone Age History of Clothing – Zur Geschichte der (Be)Kleidung in der Steinzeit, Vortrag S. Wolf, N.J. Conard “Fashion Trends, Sewing and Body ornamentation in the Upper Palaeolithic of southwestern Germany”
  2. 28.-30.08.2024 30th EAA Annual Meeting, Rome, talk F. Venditti, R.-M. Weiss, P. Schmidt, S. Wolf “On the authenticity of two presumed Paleolithic female figurines from the art market: a synergetic approach”
  3. 20.-24.04.2024 Teilnahme an der Tagung World of Gravettian Hunters (WOGH) Krakow, Posterpräsentation S.C. Münzel, S. Wolf, R. Walter, B.M. Starkovich, C. Baumann, N.J. Conard „New Insights into the 1870771 excavation at Hohle Fels Cave near Schelklingen, Swabian Jura (SW Germany)"
  4. 02.-04.04.2024 Teilnahme an der 65. Hugo Obermaier-Tagung in Weimar, Vortrag S. Wolf, Robin Andrews, Svenja Schray, Fabian Haack „Reassessment of the Aurignacian Lochstab of Geißenklösterle Cave and its find Context”
  5. 04.-06.10.2023 Organization and participation in the International Conference Ritual in Human Evolution – International Perspectives in Tübingen, „The Lion Man of Hohlenstein-Stadel Cave – A ritual deposition?“
  6. 25.-29.09.2023 87. Yearly conference des West- und Süddeutschen Verband für Altertumsforschungen e.V.  gemeinsam mit dem MOVA in Tübingen, Talk 28.09. „Ungeahntes Potential - organische Werkstoffe zur Herstellung von Schmuck und Werkzeugen während des Jungpaläolithikums auf der Schwäbischen Alb“
  7. 05.-09.09.2023 Participation at the UISPP conference in Timisoara, talks “Chaîne opératoire of Upper Palaeolithic smoothers from the Swabian Jura and the ‘Molly’ experimental workshops” together with B. Schürch, C. Baumann, N.J. Conard, S.C. Münzel as well as “Smoothers and burnishers – osseous tools from the Upper Palaeolithic cave sites of the Swabian Jura (southwestern Germany)” together with M. Barth, Kitagawa, K., Münzel, S.C., Schürch, B., N.J. Conard (session 6-1)
  8. 11.-13.04.2023 Participation at the 64. Hugo Obermaier-Tagung in Aarhus
  9. 21.-25.09.2022 Participation in the European Society of the Study of Human Evolution in Tübingen, poster “More than art and music: mammoth ivory tools of the Swabian Aurignacian” with K. Kitagawa, R. Walter, A. Fatz and N.J. Conard as well as the 25th of Sep. guided tours in the Urgeschichtliches Museums Blaubeuren for all excursion participants
  10. 19.-25.06.2022 The International conference „Vallées de Préhistoire” in Trigance and Comps-sûr-Artuby, talk “Personal ornaments and social relations during the Aurignacian of the Swabian Jura“ with N.J. Conard
  11. 04.-10.07.2022 CIVIS Summer School Interdisciplinary approaches to Gender Archaeology, with the lecture” The female statuettes of the Upper Palaeolithic – research history and interpretations” as well as practical part “Exhibitions from a Gender Perspective”, with Stefanie Kölbl
  12. 25.-26.04.2022 DFG Workshop of the UISPP Commission Modified Bone & Shell at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (Germany) „The bâtons percés from southern Germany – an overview” and Kitagawa, K., Andrews, A., Boucherat, T., Walter, R., Fatz, A., Wolf, S. “Experimental Archaeology resorting to bâtons percés from Germany”
  13. 19.-21.04.2022 Participation in the 63. Hugo Obermaier conference 2022 in Berlin „Ivory chisels and wedges of the Swabian Aurignacian“ and Bataille, G., Kitagawa, K., Tafelmaier, Y., Wolf, S., Conard, N.J. „The Hohle Fels IV-facies in the Swabian Jura (Germany) & its implications for understanding Aurignacian cultural variability”
  14. 03.-04.12.2021 Symposium Biocultural Implications: An Agenda for Integrative Approaches of The DFG Center for Advanced Studies Words, Bones, Genes, Tools, poster “Memes in the Early Upper Palaeolithic of the Swabian Jura? Personal ornaments made from mammoth ivory in the focus”
  15. 12.-13.11.2021 Conference „Magisches Denken als Kulturkonzept“ Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Saale), talk „Schamanen-Darstellungen in der Altsteinzeit“
  16. 28.11.2019 Wolf, S., Ebinger-Rist, N., Wehrberger, K., Kind, C.-J. International Conference - Images and Signs in the Stone Age Art, 27-29 November 2019, Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow “New perspectives on the Lion Man Figurine of Hohlenstein-Stadel Cave (southwestern Germany)” 
  17. 16.11.-20.11.2019 GISFOH Conference in Jerusalem (Humboldt Gesellschaft & Israel Academy of Scienes and Humanities), talk „Personal ornaments as markers of group identity during the Aurignacian and Gravettian time periods in Central Europe
  18. 24.05.2019 Tübingen CIERA meeting / Archéologie Alsace Upper Palaeolithic „Ivory processing of the Aurignacian and Gravettian of the Swabian Jura“
  19. Münzel, S.C., P. Krönneck, N.J. Conard, S. Wolf, C. Baumann. World of Gravettian Hunters. Krakau, Polen, Mai 2019. Chaîne opératoire of Gravettian bone tools from the Swabian Jura and the ‘Molly’ experimental workshops (Talk by S. C. Münzel)
  20. Münzel, S.C., P. Krönneck, N.J. Conard, S. Wolf, C. Baumann. World of Gravettian Hunters. Krakau, Polen, Mai 2019. Chaîne opératoire of Gravettian bone tools from the Swabian Jura – ‘Molly 2’: Processing of skin with Proboscidian ribs smoothers (Poster)
  21. Münzel, S.C., P. Krönneck, N.J. Conard, S. Wolf, C. Baumann. World of Gravettian Hunters. Krakau, Polen, Mai 2019. Chaîne opératoire of Gravettian bone tools from the Swabian Jura - ‘Molly 1’: Processing of Proboscidian ribs as raw material (Poster)
  22. 11.04.2019 SAA 84th annual meeting Society for American Archaeology, session Culturing the Body: Prehistoric Perspectives on Identity and Sociality, by Ewa Dutkiewicz, Sibylle Wolf, Nicholas J. Conard “Constructing Identity in the Swabian Aurignacian“
  23. 04.06.-08.06.2018 XVIIIe Congrès de L’UISPP, Université 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Gravettian personal ornaments of southwestern Germany and southwestern France – a link of a shared cultural behaviour? Presentation Sibylle Wolf, Carole Vercoutère, Dorothée Drucker, Susanne Münzel, Nicholas Conard
  24. 04.06.-08.06.2018 XVIIIe Congrès de L’UISPP, Université 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, “Examining the place of the Swabian Jura within the Aurignacian world” talk by Nicholas Conard, Guido Bataille, Ewa Dutkiewicz, Keiko Kitagawa, Christopher Miller, Sibylle Wolf, Michael Bolus.
  25. 30.05.-01-06.2018 Participation and chair of the session n°5 of the Senckenberg Conference „Images, voices, gestures, lives - What can we learn from Palaeolthic art?“
  26. 09.04.-12.04.2017 International Conference „Art of the Stone Age: imagery, signs, context” at Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) (Russian Federation), presentation Ewa Dutkiewicz, Sibylle Wolf, Nicholas J. Conard “Aurignacian portable art of the Swabian Jura: new documentation methods and perspectives on the markings”
  27. 14./15.10.2016 Participation and talk in the conference „Das Magdalénien im Südwesten Deutschlands, im Elsass und in der Schweiz“: Schmuck des Magdalénien aus Südwestdeutschland
  28. 16.05.-20.05.2016 Poster Presentation “Second Conference World of Gravettian Hunters” in Krakow “Personal ornaments of the Gravettian of the Swabian Jura – the tear-drop-shaped beads revisited”, together with N.J. Conard.
  29. 07.-08.12.2015 Participation in the conference „Art and the Brain – How Imagery makes us Human“ in McDonald Institute at the University of Cambridge with the talks „The secrets of the Lion Man of Hohlenstein-Stadel cave (southwestern Germany)“ and „The use of color during the Upper Paleolithic of the Swabian Jura of southwestern Germany”
  30. 09.04.2015 Participation in the Hugo Obermaier-Tagung in Heidenheim, talk „Early Aurignacian personal ornaments of southwestern Germany and southwestern France: commonalities and differences“, together with Claire Heckel, NYU
  31. 08.04.-10.04.2013 Participation in the conference „Aurignacian Genius: Art, Technology and Society of The First Modern Humans in Europe“ at the New York University, talk „Personal Ornaments of the Swabian Aurignacian - Early Ivory Working in Central Europe” & Public Lecture, together with H. Floss „Sculptural Art and Musical Instruments from The Swabian Jura (Germany)“
  32. 02.04.-04.04. 2013 Participation in the Hugo Obermaier-Tagung in Wien, talk „Die Elfenbein-Industrie und der Schmuck des Schwäbischen Aurignacien“
  33. 25.02.-01.03.2013 Participation in the UNESCO HEADS-Tagung, Tübingen, talk “Adornment of the Swabian Aurignacian”
  34. 21.-23.02.2013 Participation in the conference “European Palaeolithic” in the British Museum, London, talk “Personal ornaments of the Swabian Aurignacian”
  35. 29.-31.05.2012 Participation in the UISPP conference in Lüttich „Modes de contacts et de deplacements au Paléolithique supérieur“ und Co-author of the talk by N.J. Conard „Testing models for cultural change using organic artifacts from the Swabian Aurignacian“
  36. 10.-14.04.2012 Participation in the Hugo Obermaier-Tagung in Toulouse
  37. 25.-27.10.2011 Participation in the conference „Quo vadis? Long-term research projects in European Archaeology“ in Schleswig, Schloss Gottorf
  38. 15.06.-18.06.2011 Participation in the ROCEEH symposium „The Nature of Culture“, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
  39. 19.05.-21.05.2011 Participation in the symposium „Homo portans“ in the Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden, talk „Die Anfänge unserer Kultur – Schmuck und Kleidung tragen: Befunde und Funde aus der jüngeren Altsteinzeit“
  40. 26.-30.04.2011 Poster presentation at the Hugo Obermaier Tagung 2011 in Herne (Westfalen) „Elfenbeinbearbeitung und Schmuckproduktion im Aurignacien der Schwäbischen Alb“
  41. 22.09.2010 Participation in the Conference „Deutscher Historikertag“ in Berlin, talk „Tragbare Frauenfiguren aus ganz Europa – Anhänger aus der Altsteinzeit“ Homo portans
  42. 14.-18.04.2010 Participation in the Society for American Archaeology (SAA), St. Louis, USA, talk “Ivory Working in the Swabian Aurignacian”
  43. 14.04.2009 Poster presentation in the Hugo Obermaier-Tagung, “Die Große Landesausstellung Baden-Württemberg, 2009 “Eiszeit – Kunst und Kultur”
  44. 14.-18.04.2009 Participation and poster presentation in the Hugo Obermaier-Tagung in Ljubljana, Slowenien concerning the Big State Exhibition Baden-Württemberg 2009 „Eiszeit – Kunst und Kultur“
  45. 25.-29.03.2008 Participation in the Hugo Obermaier-Tagung, talk „Eine neue Venusstatuette vom jungpaläolithischen Fundplatz Dolni Vestonice/Mähren – Fälschung oder Original?“