Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics

Members of group "Stellar Atmospheres"


For callers from outside the University of Tübingen:
This list of telephone numbers contains only the numbers used within the telephone system of the University, thus a complete number will read:
(+49) 7071 29 xxxxx              - where xxxxx stands for one of the 5-digit numbers in the list

Semih Filiz, M.Sc. email Doctoral student 78612 A 212
Dr. Valery Kovtyukh email Scientist 78601 A 216
Reshma Manjunatha-Rao, B.Sc. email Master student 75470 A 208
Shreya Patel, M.Sc. email Master student 75470 A 208
Dr. Thomas Rauch email Scientist 78612 A 212
Dr. Valery Suleimanov email Scientist 78610 A 206
Andrey Tavleev, M.Sc. email Doctoral student 78612 A 212
Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner email Scientist 78601 A 216

Members of working group Prof. Werner (April 2015)