2011 | Fellow of the American Association of Psychological Science |
2006 | Member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
2005 | Member of the Wilhelm-Wundt Society |
2004 | Scientific Award of the Wilhelm-Wundt Society |
Since 1999 | C4-Professor for Cognitive Psychology, University of Tübingen
1995-1999 | C4-Professor for Cognitive Psychology, University of Wuppertal
1991-1995 | C3-Professor for Cognitive Psychology, University of Konstanz
1990-1991 | Visiting scholar, Center for Human Information Processing, University of California, San Diego
1989-1991 | Heisenberg-Scholarship (DFG) |
1988 | Habilitation, University of Tübingen |
1983 | PhD, University of Tübingen |
1974-1978 | Psychology and Statistics, University of Konstanz |