Publications from our workgroup
Here you will find a chronological list of all publications with contributions of our staff.
The lists of individual researchers can also be accessed via ResearchGate:
Fettdruck (boldface) = Publishing Member(s) of Applied Mineralogy Group
- Schmidt, P., Pappas, I., Porraz, G., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (in press): The driving force behind tool-stone selection in the African Middle Stone Age.- to appear in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America (PNAS)
- Schmidt, P., Pappas, I., Porraz, G., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (in press): The driving force behind tool-stone selection in the African Middle Stone Age: Supplementary Information.- to appear in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America (PNAS)
- Amicone, S., Memmesheimer, A., Baptiste, S., Gur-Arieh, S., Rogier, M., Qarni, A. M., Seidler, J., Sconzo, P., Heinze, L., Morandi, L.F., Kiemle, T., Miller, C. E., Nickel, K. G., Berthold, C. (2023): An interdisciplinary approach to the study of kiln firing: a case study from the Campus Galli open-air museum (southern Germany). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 15: 111-132,
- Bente, K., Berthold, C., Kupkas, T., Beiraua, T., Wrzaliks, R., Wirth, R., Schreiber, A., Hölzig, H., Keilholz, S., Günther, A., Gerdes, A., König, A. (2023): Explaining white/grey iron age coral decorations - experimental studies on Corallium rubrum. Metalla 12, 123-125.
- Boese, B., Amicone, S., Cantisani, E., Schön, F. & Berthold, C. (2023): Mortars in context: an integrated study of mortars and plasters from the so‐called ginnasio in Solunto (sicily, italy).- Archaeometry, 2023,
- Di Gennaro, F., Amicone, S. & Mancini, P. (2023): L’insediamento villanoviano dell’isola di Tavolara presso le coste della Gallura.- Journal of Fasti Online,, p.1-101
- Frenken, M., Schwab, R., Amicone, S., Berthold, C., Wirth, K., Desai, M., Rehren, T. & Greiff, S. (2023) Alchemie in Mannheim? Technische Keramik des 18. Jahrhunderts. Metalla Sonderheft 12, 85-87.
- Klein, S., Fischer-Lechner, S., Berthold, C., Sessing, J., Kirnbauer, T., Zeiler, M., Essling-Wintzer, W. (2023): Lead-Glazed Ceramic Fragments: Intentional Glazing or Metallurgical Accident? Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis 12, 246-261,
- Molloy, B., Amicone, S., Pendić, J., Jovanović, D., Mitrović, J. (2023): Early Chariots and Religion in South-East Europe and the Aegean During the Bronze Age: A Reappraisal of the Dupljaja Chariot in Context. European Journal of Archaeology 2023: 1-21,
- Nickel, K.G. & Schmidt, P. (2023): Zur Bedeutung mechanischer Kennwerte für die Interpretation steinzeitlicher Arbeitsprozesse.- Metalla Sonderheft 12: 16-18
- Schmidt, P., Koch, T. Berthold, C., Lauxmann, F. & Nickel, K.G. (2023): The evolution of strength, elasticity and a rupture behaviour of birch tar during reduction (cooking) and their implications for the investment and skill needed for ‘double-pot’ techniques.- Archaeometry, 65: 409-422,
- Solard, B., Amicone, S., Aloupi-Siotis, E., Heinze, L., Berti, F., Lambrugo, C., Berthold, C. (2023): Back to black: a mineralogical and chemical characterisation of Atticising fourth century BCE black gloss ware. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 15: 135-158. DOI:
- Amicone, S., Müller, N.S., Heinze, L, Schneider, G., Neumann, S., Fenn, N., Kiriatzi, E. (2022): Four centuries of cooking wares at Priene: Tracing transformation in supply and trade patterns in western Asia minor (Turkey). Advances in Archaeomaterials 3, 56-77,
- Bente, B., Berthold, C., Wirth, R., Schreiber, A., König, A. (2022): Multi-methodological Characterisation of Medieval to Early Modern Coral Beads from a Cesspit of the “Fronerei auf dem Schrangen” in Lübeck (Germany). Metalla 26, 25-36,
- Mittelstädt, K., Himmelmann, U., Berthold, C., & Schwab, R. (2022): Slag characterization from the Roman vicus of Eisenberg (Germany).- Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14: 155, 1-18,
- Namen, A., Iovita, R., Nickel, K.G., Varis, A., Taimagambetov, Z. & Schmidt, P. (2022): Mechanical properties of lithic raw materials from Kazakhstan: comparing chert, shale, and porphyry.- PlosOne, 17 (4): e0265640
- Nickel, K.G. & Schmidt, P. (2022): Knapping force as a function of stone heat treatment.- PlosOne, 17(12): e0278643.
- Orfanou, V., Amicone, S., Sava, V.,O’Neill, B., Brown, L.E.V., Bruyère, C. & Molloy, B.P.C. (2022): Forging a New World Order? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Management of Metalworking and Ideological Change in the Late Bronze Age Carpathian Basin.- Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory,
- Squitieri, A., Amicone, S., Dinckal, A., Altaweel, M., Gur-Arieh, S., Rohde, J., Herr, J.-J., Pietsch, S. & Miller, C. (2022): A Multi-Method Study of a Chalcolithic Kiln in the Bora Plain (Iraqi Kurdistan): The Evidence from Excavation, Micromorphological and Pyrotechnological Analyses.- Open Archaeology,
- Squitieri, A., Herr, J.-J., Amicone, S. (2022): Stone tools, techniques, and spaces for the pottery chaîne opératoire. The case of the pottery workshop of Gird-i Bazar (c. 1200–800 BC) in the Autonomous region of Kurdistan, Iraq.- Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 67: 101443,
- Amicone, S. (2021): Pločnik: technology of pottery production, I: The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia, M. Radivojević, B. W. Roberts, M. Marić, J. K. Cvetković, T. Rehren, Eds. (Archaeopress Archaeology, Oxford, 2021) 1-10
- Amicone, S. (2021): Belovode: technology of pottery production, In: The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia, B. W. R. Miljana Radivojević, Miroslav Marić, Julka Kuzmanović Cvetković and Thilo Rehren, Ed. (Archaeopress, Oxford, 2021), chap. 14, pp. 186-198.
- Amicone, S., Forte, V., Solard, B., Berthold C., Memmesheimer, A., Mirković-Marić, N. (2021) Playing with fire: Exploring ceramic pyrotechnology in Late Neolithic Balkans through an archaeometric and an experimental approach. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 37, 102878,
- Amicone, S., Morandi, L. F., Gur-Arieh, S. (2021) “Seeing shit”: assessing the visibility of dung tempering in ancient pottery using an experimental approach. Journal of Environmental Archaeology 26(4), 423–438. Impact Factor: 1.540. DOI: 10.1080/14614103.2020.1852758.
- Klang, K. & Nickel, K.G. (2021): The plant-like structure of lance sea urchin spines as biomimetic concept generator for freeze-casted structural graded ceramics.- Biomimetics 2021 (6): 36,
- Koutouvaki, E., Amicone, S., Kristew, A., Ștefan, C. E., Berthold C. (2021). Shared traditions and shard conservatism: pottery making at the Chalcolithic site of Radovanu (Romania). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13, 206 (2021).
- Kramberger, B., Berthold, C. & Spiteri, C. (2021): Fifth millennium BC miniature ceramic bottles from the south-eastern Prealps and Central Balkans: A multi-disciplinary approach to study their content and function.- Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 38: 102993,
- Orsingher, A., Kamlah, J., Sader, H., Schmitt, A., Amicone, S. and Berthold, C. (2021). Making, Trading and Consuming Phoenician Wine. ANE Today 9 (9).
- Schmidt, P., Blessing, M.A. & Nickel, K.G. (2021): On the performance of birch tar made with different techniques.- Heritage Science 9, 140,
- Wang, E., Chen, Y., Fang, Z., Chen, J., Xu, E., Chou, K.-C., Nickel, K.G. & Hou, X. (2021): Progress in cognition of gas-solid interface reaction for non-oxide ceramics at high temperature.Critical reviews in solid state and materials science, 46 (3): 218-250 ,
- Amicone, S., Croce, E., Castellano, L. & Vezzoli, G. (accepted): Building Forcello. Etruscan wattle and daub technique in the Po Plain (Bagnolo San Vito‐Mantua, northern Italy).- Archaeometry,
- Lauer, C., Haußmann, S., Schmidt, P., Fischer, C., Rapp, D., Löber, M., Ströbele, M., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2020): On the relation between amorphous calcium carbonate and the macromechanical properties of sea urchin spines.- Advanced Engineering Materials, 2020 (1900922): 1-10,
- Lauer, C., Haußmann, S., Schmidt, P., Fischer, C., Rapp, D., Löber, M., Ströbele, M., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2020): Supporting information to: On the relation between amorphous calcium carbonate and the macromechanical properties of sea urchin spines.- Advanced Engineering Materials, 2020 (1900922): suppl. 1-10,
- Memmesheimer, Alisa, Brennverhalten moderner und historischer Silikatkeramiken.- M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2019, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 102 pp.
- Wang, E., Chen, Y., Fang, Z., Chen, J., Xu, E., Chou, K.-C., Nickel, K.G. & Hou, X. (2020): Progress in cognition of gas-solid interface reaction for non-oxide ceramics at high temperature.- Critical reviews in solid state and materials science, 45: in press,
- Amicone, S., (2020) Petrographic analysis on Iron Age pottery from Graves 101 and 109,.In: Radner, K., Kreppner, F. J. and Squitieri A. (eds.), The Dinka Settlement Complex 2019: Further Archaeological and Geophysical Work on Qalat-i Dinka and in the Lower Town. (Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag), Chapter D2, 93–94
- Amicone, S., Croce, E., Castellano, L. & Vezzoli, G. (2020): Building Forcello. Etruscan wattle and daub technique in the Po Plain (Bagnolo San Vito‐Mantua, northern Italy).- Archaeometry, 62 (3): 521-537,
- Amicone, S., Freund, K.P., Mancini, P., D'Oriano, R., Berthold, C. (2020): New insights into Early Iron Age connections between Sardinia and Etruria: Archaeometric analyses of ceramics from Tavolara.- Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33: 102452,
- Albrecht, Philipp, Methodische Beschreibung von PVD abgeschiedenen Ti35Al55Si10N-Dünnschichten, M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2019, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 87 pp.
- Amicone, S., Quinn, P.S., Marić, M., Mirković-Marić, N., Radivojević, M. (2019): Tracing Pottery-Making Recipes in the Prehistoric Balkans 6th–4th Millennia BC, Archaeopress, Oxford, 2019, 198pp,
- Amicone, S., Introduction.: Tracing Pottery-Making Recipes in the Prehistoric Balkans, 6th-4th Millennia BC.- In: Amicone, S., Quinn, P.S., Marić, M., Mirković-Marić, N., Radivojević, M. (eds): Tracing Pottery-Making Recipes in the Prehistoric Balkans 6th–4th Millennia BC, Archaeopress, Oxford, 2019, pp. 1–7.,
- Charotte, Phillip., Einfluß von Glycerin auf die Struktur und Stabilität gefriergetrockneter hochporöser Al2O3-Keramiken.- MSc-Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2019, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 76 pp.
- Freund, K.P., Amicone, S., Berthold, C., Tykot, R.H., Veronesi, U., Manunza, M.R. (2019): Early metallurgy in Sardinia: characterizing the evidence from Su Coddu.- Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11 (12): 6595-6602,
- Haussmann, Sebastian, Amorphous calcium carbonate in sea urchin spines.- M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2018, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 59 pp.
- Hüller, F., Neubauer, J., Käßner, S. & Götz-Neinhoffer, F. (2019): Hydration of calcium aluminates at 60°C – Development paths of C2AHx in dependence on the content of free water.- Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102 (7): 4376-4387,
- Käßner, Stefan, Thermisch effiziente Keramik-Komposite für die Verkapselung elektronischer Bauelemente, Dissertation, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, 2019, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Kooperation mit Robert Bosch AG, 126 pp.
- Lambrugo, C., Heinze, L. & Amicone, S. (2019): Back to Manfria: Continuity or disruption in the countryside of Gela in the fourth century BC.- In: Perego, E., Scopacasa, R. & Amicone, S. (2019): Collapse or Survival: Micro-dynamics of crisis and endurance in the ancient central Mediterranean.- Oxbow Books, Oxford, p. 57-80,
- Lauer, Christoph, Structure-Property Relationships in Sea Urchin Spines and Implications for Technical Materials, Dissertation, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, 2019, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 220 pp.
- Lauer, C., Sillmann, K., Haußmann, S. & Nickel, K.G. (2019) Strength, elasticity and the limits of energy dissipation in two related sea urchin spines with biomimetic potential.- submitted to Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 14 (1): 016018,
- Mirković-Marić, N. & Amicone, S. (2019): Technological Variances between Tisza and Vinča Pottery in the Serbian Banat, In: Amicone, S., Quinn, P.S., Marić, M., Mirković-Marić, N., Radivojević, M. (eds): Tracing Pottery-Making Recipes in the Prehistoric Balkans 6th–4th Millennia BC, Archaeopress, Oxford, 2019, pp. 96-112.,
- Mück, Stefan, Mechanische Eigenschaften hochporöser biologischer und keramischer Materialien.- MSc-Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2019, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 89 Pp
- Perego, E., Scopacasa, R. & Amicone, S. (2019): Collapse or Survival: Micro-dynamics of crisis and endurance in the ancient central Mediterranean.- Oxbow Books, Oxford, 224 pp.,
- Perego, E., Scopacasa, R. & Amicone, S. (2019): Introduction. Collapse or survival? Crisis and social change in the ancient central Mediterranean.- In: Perego, E., Scopacasa, R. & Amicone, S. (2019): Collapse or Survival: Micro-dynamics of crisis and endurance in the ancient central Mediterranean.- Oxbow Books, Oxford, p. xix-xxx,
- Rößler, Luca, Einfluß von Bondparametern auf die Mikrostruktur von Ultraschall-Geschweißten Aluminiumbändchen.- M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2019, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 88 pp.
- Schmier, S., Bauer, G., Buck, G., Klang, K., Lauer, C., Toader, N., Gericke, O., Haase, W., Schäfer, I., Schmauder, S., Sobek, W., Nickel K.G. & Speck, T. (2019): Reliably withstanding high loads.- In: Knippers J, Schmid U, Speck T (eds) Biomimetics for Architecture. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, ISBN 978-3-0356-1786-3, 54-73,
- Schmier, S., Bauer, G., Buck, G., Klang, K., Lauer, C., Toader, N., Schäfer, I., Schmauder, S., Sobek, W., Nickel K.G. & Speck, T. (2019): Hohe Belastungen sicher überstehen.- In: Knippers J, Schmid U, Speck T (eds) (2019): Bionisch bauen: Von der Natur lernen.- Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, ISBN 978-3-0356-1785-6, 54-73,
- Schmidt, P., Blessing, M., Rageot, M., Iovita, R., Pfleging, J., Nickel, K.G., Rrighetti, L. & Tennie, C. (2019): Birch tar production does not prove Neanderthal behavioral complexity.- Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America (PNAS), 116 (36): 17707-17711,
- Schmidt, P., Buck, G., Berthold, C., Lauer, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2019): The mechanical properties of heat-treated rocks: a comparison between chert and silcrete.- Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, (6): 2489–2506,
- Baranowski, M., Bente, K., Berthold, C., Bobryk, E., Daszkiewicz, M., Ganeczko, M., Witkowski, B. (2018): MGR-Analysis, µ-Xrd, µ-Raman Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis of an Exceptional Fragment of Black-Coated Gnathia-Type Pottery Found In Risan (Montenegro).- Proceedings „Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 20.- 24.03.2018“, Hamburg, 34-38, doi.org10.3204/DESY-PROC-2018-01
- Bente, K. (2018): „Materialwissenschaftliche Archäometrie und Materielle Kultur“ Blickpunkt Archäologie, 4: 292-297
- Bente, K. & Berthold, C. (2018): Chaine operatoire: A link between archaeology and archaeometry, Proceedings „Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 20.- 24.03.2018“, Hamburg, 42-49, doi.org10.3204/DESY-PROC-2018-01
- Boettge, B., Naumann, F., Behrendt, S., Scheibel, M.G., Kaessner, S., Klengel, S., Petzold, M., Nickel, K.G., Hejtmann, G., Miric, A.-Z. & Eisele, R. (2018): Material characterization of advanced cement-based encapsulation systems for efficient power electronics with increased power density.- Proc. 68th IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 29.5.-1.6.2018, dx.doi.org10.1109/ECTC.2018.00194
- Drechsler, P., Berthold, C. & Kainert, C. (2018): Hematite Objects and the Use of Red Pigments.- In: Drechsler, P.(ed.), Dosariyah, An Arabian Neolithic Coastal Community in the Central Gulf (Archaeopress Publishing LTD) Chapter 13, 302-310, ISBN 978-1-78491 962-7
- Gremenok, V.F., Khoroshko V.V, Pyatlitski, A.N., Bente, K., Piatlitskaya, T.V., Belous, A.I., Saladukha, V.A., Shveday S.V., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2018): Dependence of optical properties and structure of indium sulfide films on their thickness.- Proc. 5th International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures, Shenyang, China, 10.-13.6.2018, 157-158
- Gremenok, V.F., Piatlitskaya, T.V., Pyatlitski, A.N., Bente, K., Khoroshko V.V., Saladukha, V.A., Shveday S.V., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2018): Formation of nanostructures on the surface of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films using agron plasma etching.- Proc. 5th International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures, Shenyang, China, 10.-13.6.2018, 264-265
- Käßner, S., Heijtmann, G., Nickel, K.G. & Bier, T.A. (2018): Neuartige keramische Umhüllungsmaterialien in der Leistungselektronik für zukünftige Anwendungen mit hoher Leistungsdichte und kleinem Bauraum.- GMM Fachbeiträge 90: 65-68
- Käßner, S., Scheibel, M., Behrendt, S., Boettge, B. & Nickel, K.G. (2018): Reliability of Novel Ceramic Encapsulation Materials for Electronic Packaging.- Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging 15: 132-139,
- Käßner, S., Wichtner, N., Hüller, F., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2018): Novel Cement-based Encapsulation Material for Electronic Packaging.- Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology, 9 (4): 381-390
- Kumar, P., Pfeffer, M., Berthold, C. & Eibl, O. (2018): PbSe mid-IR photoconductive thin films (part-II): Structural analysis of the functional layer.- Journal of Alloys and Components, 735: 1654-166, 1,
- Lauer, C., Grun, T.B., Zutterkirch, I., Jemmali, R., Buck, G., Nebelsick, J.H. & Nickel, K.G. (2018): Morphology and porosity of the spines of the sea urchin Heterocentrotus mammillatus and their implications on the mechanical performance.- Zoomorphology, 137: 139-154
- Lauer, C., Schmier, S., Speck, T. & Nickel, K.G. (2018): Strength-size relationships in two porous biological materials.- Acta Biomaterialia, 77: 322-332,
- Liesegang, M., Milke, R. & Berthold, C. (2018): Amorphous silica maturation in chemically weathered clastic sediments.- Sedimentary Geology 365: 54-61,
- Mentzer, S., Seil, M., Adler, H., Chassé, T., Ligouis, B., Berthold, C., Miller, C. (2018): „Morphological and Geochemical Analysis of Plaster Samples“ In: Drechsler, P.(ed.), Dosariyah, An Arabian Neolithic Coastal Community in the Central Gulf (Archaeopress Publishing LTD) Chapter 19, 358-384, ISBN 978-1-78491 962-7
- Nickel, K.G., Lauer, C., Klang, K., Buck, G. (2018): Sea urchin spines as role models for biologic design and integrative structures.- in : Heuss-Aßbichler, S., Amthauer, G. & John-Stadler, M. (2018): Highlights of Applied Mineralogy, De Gruyter, Inc., ISBN 978-3-11-049122-7, p. 270-282,
- Russo, G., Amicone, S. & Berthold, C., Siddall, R. & Sconzo, P. (2018): Early Bronze Age Painted Wares from Tell el-᷾Abd, Syria: a Compositional and Technological Study, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 21: 359-366,
- Salvador, R.B., Tütken, T., Tomotani, B.M., Berthold, C. & Rasser, M.W. (2018): Paleoecological and isotopic analysis of fossil continental mollusks of Sandelzhausen (Miocene, Germany).- PalZ, 92 (3): 395-409,
- Schwab, Moritz, Eine Fallstudie über die Magnesiumverteilung der biogenen Calcite von Seeigelstacheln, MSc-Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2018, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 46 pp. --> BGP Boden- und Grundwassser Probennahmetechnik
- Sillmann, Kilian, Heterocentrotus trigonarius: eine mechanische und strukturelle Analyse von Seeigelstacheln, MSc-Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2018, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 64 pp.
- Stempfle, S., Linstädter, J., Mikdad, A., Nickel, K.G. & Schmidt, P. (2018): Early Neolithic pottery of Ifri n’Etsedda, NE-Morocco – raw materials and fabrication techniques.- Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 19: 200-212,
- Suzuki, T., Lauxmann, F., Sackmann, A., Staerz, A., Weimar, U., Berthold, C., Barsan, N. (2018): Operando Investigations of Rare-Earth Oxycarbonate CO2 Sensors.- Proceedings Eurosensors 2018 (2): 801, 5pp.,
- Amicone, S. (2017): “The kilns” In: Outdoor Area 8. Chapter D Excavating Gird-i Bazar: the 2016 season (2017). Unearthing the Dinka Settlement Complex. In: Radner, K., Kreppner, F. J. and Squitieri A. (eds.), The 2016 Season at Gird-i Bazar and Qalat-i Dinka. Peshdar Plain Project Publications 2 (Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag), 77–81, ISBN: 978-3-935012-28-7
- Amicone, S. (2017): “Petrographic analysis of the 2015-2016 pottery from Gird-i Bazar” In: Chapter E - Pottery Studies. Unearthing the Dinka Settlement Complex. In: Radner, K., Kreppner, F. J. and Squitieri A. (eds.), The 2016 Season at Gird-i Bazar and Qalat-i Dinka. Peshdar Plain Project Publications 2 (Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag), 128–138, ISBN: 978-3-935012-28-7
- Bente, K., Berthold, C., Keuper, M., Gerdes, A., Ansorge, J. & König, A. (2017): “Die Korallenperlenkette aus Greifswald von um 1300 - archäometrische Untersuchungen an Corallium rubrum aus einer mittelalterlichen Hansestadt“, Archäologische Berichte aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 24: 69 - 79
- Berthold, C. & Mentzer, S.M. (2017): X-ray Microdiffraction.- in Nicosia, C. & Stoops, G. (2017): Archaelogical Soil and Sediment Micromorphology.- John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., ISBN: 978-1-118-94105-8, p. 417-429
- Berthold, C., Zimmer, K.B., Scharf, O., Koch-Brinkmann, U. & Bente, K. (2017): Nondestructive, optical and X-ray analytics with high local resolution on attic white-ground lekythoi.- Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports: 16: 513-520 doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.02.008
- Epossi Ntah, Z.L., Sobott, R., Fabbri, B., Bente, K. (2017): “Characterization of some archaeological ceramics and clay samples from Zamala -Far-northern part of Cameroon (West Central Africa)”. Cerâmica 63: 413-422
- Gremenok, V.F., Juskenas, R., Piatlitskaya, T.V., Bente, K., Stanchik, A.V., Bashkirov, S.A., Giraitis, R., Selskis, A., Pyatlitski, A.N., Solodukha, V.A., Berthold, C., & Nickel, K.G. (2017): Growth and Properties of Cu2ZnSnSe4 Films on flexible metallic substrates.- Proc. 33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Amsterdam, NL, 25.-29.9.2017, p. 1081-1084,
- Hauff F.A., Degradationsverhalten von Pyrit unter Atmosphärenbedingungen.- B.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2017, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 109 pp.
- Hemberger, Y., Silikatschmelz-basierte Korrosion von Yttria-stabilisiertemn Zirkonia-Keramiken (YSZ), Dissertation, 2017, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 356 pp
- Jürgens, C. & Bente, K. (2017): „Kunsttechnologische Untersuchungen an der Leipziger Gliederpuppe“ in: J. Fajt / S. Jaeger (Hrsg.) Das Expressive in der Kunst 1500-1550 Albrecht Altdorfer und seine Zeitgenossen
- Kalmutzki, M. J., Dolabdjian, K., Wichtner, N., Strobele, M., Berthold, C. & Meyer, H. J. (2017): Formation, Structure, and Frequency-Doubling Effect of a Modification of Strontium Cyanurate (alpha-SCY).- Inorganic Chemistry 56: 3357-3362,
- Kiemle, T., Einfluss externer Spannungen auf Phasenumwandlungen in tetragonalem Zirkoniumdioxid, Dissertation 2017, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 119 pp.
- Kristew, A., A compositional and technological study of pottery from Chalcolithic site of Radonavu, Romania, M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2017, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen, 58
- Lauxmann, Frieder, Kinetik der Niedertemperaturalteration von ZrO2, M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2017, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen, 66 pp
- Löber, M., Ionotrope Gelation zur Synthese gradierter/strukturierter Materialien.- M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2016, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 100 pp
- Schmier, S., Bauer, G., Buck, G., Klang, K., Lauer, C., Toader, N., Schäfer, I., Schmauder, S., Sobek, W., Nickel K.G. & Speck, T. (2017): Hohe Belastungen sicher überstehen.- In: Knippers J, Schmid U, Speck T (eds) Baubionik - Biologie beflügelt Architektur. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie C, Band 82, Stuttgart, pp 42-61
- Schmidt, P., Lauer, C., Buck, G., Miller, C.E. & Nickel, K.G. (2017): Detailed near-infrared study of the ‘water’-related transformations in silcrete upon heat treatment.- Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 44: 21-31 ,
- Schönleber, Lukas, Untersuchung von Stabablagerungen und Zementationsprozessen auf Glasoberflächen in ariden Gebieten.- B.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2017, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 71 pp.
- Schröder, C., Kiemle, T., Kailer, A., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2017): Cyclic contact loading of Y-TZP ceramics with spherical shaped SSiC under ambient air and water-lubricated conditions.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37: 2449-2458
- Schwabauer, Stefan, Evaluierung einer In-situ Oberflächencharakterisierung durch Abformung.- B.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2017, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen, 71 pp.
- Seidler, J., Schwarzpigmente auf neolithischen Keramiken.- B.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2017, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 66 pp.
- Spies, B.C., Maass, M.E., Adolfsson, E., Sergo, V., Kiemle, T., Berthold, C., Gurianc, E., Fornasaro, S., Vache, K. & Kohal, R.-J. (2017): Long-term stability of an injection-molded zirconia bone-level implant: A testing protocol consideringaging kinetics and dynamic fatigue.- Dental Materials 33: 954-965
- Stephan, E., Neumann, U., Berthold, C. (2017): „Eisenzeitliche Weidewirtschaft im Umfeld des IPF am Nördlinger Ries (Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland). Archäozoologische und isotopenchemische Untersuchungen“, Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, Universität Heidelberg, 300, 181-202
- Toader, N., Sobek, W. & Nickel, K.G. (2017): Energy Absorption in Functionally Graded Concrete bioinspired by Sea Urchin Spines.- Journal of Bionic Engineering 14: 369-378,
- Toffolo, M.B., Regev, L., Mintz, E., Poduska, K.M., Shahack-Gross, R., Berthold, C., Miller, C.E., & Boaretto, E. (2017): Accurate radiocarbon dating of archaeological ash using pyrogenic aragonite.- Radiocarbon 59 (1): 231-249
- Wolf, Johannes, Spannungsinduzierte Phasenumwandlungen in hochzähem tetragonalem Zirkondioxid- M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2017, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 90 pp
- Berger, D., Berthold, C., Bunnefeld, J.-H., Keuper, M. (2016): A mysterious black ornamentation on an Early Bronze Age dagger from Schoolbek (Kosel), Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.- Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 5 : 407-421, doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.12.005
- Berthold, C. (2016): Umgang mit Antike: Zerstörungsfreie oberflächennahe Röntgenanalyseverfahren, in Tübinger Archäologische Forschungen, 21: 215-221, Tafel 74, 75, ISBN 978-3-89646-912-0
- Delagnes, A., Schmidt, P., Douze, K., Bellot-Gurlet, L., Wurz, S., Conard, N.J., Miller, C.E., Nickel, K.G., Van Niekerk, K.L. & Henshilwood, C.S. (2016): Early evidence for the extensive heat treatment of silcrete in the Howiesons Poort at Klipdrift Shelter (layer PBD, 65 ka), South Africa.- PlosOne 11 (10) e0163874,
- Fetzer, A. Archäometrische Untersuchung von Pigmenten am Beispiel der Lekytos.- M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2016, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 113 pp
- Greenfield, T, Berthold, C, Rosenzweig, M. „G.4.5, Grave goods and burial customs“ In: Chapter G –Bioarchaeological research at Gird-I Bazar, 2016. In: Radner, K., Kreppner, F. J. and Squitieri A. (eds.), The 2016 Season at Gird-i Bazar and Qalat-i Dinka.
- Haussmann, S., Strukturveränderung calcitischer Seeigelstachel durch Wärmebehandlung.- B.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2016, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 59 pp.
- Hemberger, Y., Wichtner, N., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2016): Quantification of Y2O3 in Zirconia by Raman Spectroscopy.- International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 13 (1): 116-124,
- Hemberger, Y., Wichtner, N., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2016): Quantification of Y2O3 in Zirconia by Raman Spectroscopy.- International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 13 (1): 116-124,
- Klang, K., Bauer, G., Toader, N., Lauer, C., Termin, K., Schmier, S. Haase, W., Berthold, C., Nickel, K.G., Speck, T. & Sobek, W. (2016): Plants and animals as source of inspiration for energy dissipation in load bearing systems and facades.- In: Knippers, J., Nickel, K.G. & Speck, T. (2016): Biomimetic Research for Architecture and Building Construction.- Biologically Inspired Systems 9 (S. Gorb, Ed), Springer, ISBN ebook 978-3-319-46374-2, hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-46372-8,, Chapter 10, p. 109-132
- Knippers, J., Nickel, K.G. & Speck, T. (2016): Biomimetic Research for Architecture and Building Construction.- Biologically Inspired Systems 9 (S. Gorb, Ed), Springer, 443 pp. ISBN ebook 978-3-319-46374-2, hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-46374-8,
- Knippers, J., Nickel, K.G. & Speck, T. (2016): Biomimetic Research: A Dialogue Between the Disciplines.- In: Knippers, J., Nickel, K.G. & Speck, T. (2016): Biomimetic Research for Architecture and Building Constructions.- Biologically Inspired Systems 9 (S. Gorb, Ed), Springer, ISBN ebook 978-3-319-46374-2, hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-46372-8,, p. 1-5
- Miller, C.E., Mentzer, S.M., Berthold, C., Leach, P., Ligouis, B., Tribolo, C., Parkington, J., Porraz, G. (2016): „Site-formation processes at Elands Bay Cave, South Africa“, Southern African Humanities 29(1):69-128,
- Mück, S., Penetrationsfestigkeiten hochporöser biologischer und keramischer Materialien.- B.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2016, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 65 pp.
- Schmier, S., Lauer, C., Schäfer, I., Klang, K., Bauer, G., Thielen, M., Termin, K., Berthold, C., Schmauder, S., Speck, T., & Nickel, K.G., (2016): Developing the experimental basis for an evaluation of scaling properties of brittle and quasi-brittle biological materials:.- In: Knippers, J., Nickel, K.G. & Speck, T. (2016): Biomimetic Research for Architecture and Building Construction.- Biologically Inspired Systems 9 (S. Gorb, Ed), Springer, ISBN ebook 978-3-319-46374-2, hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-46372-8,, Chapter 7, p. 277-294
- Schmidt, P., Lauer, C., Buck, G., Miller, C.E. & Nickel, K.G. (2016): Detailed near-infrared study of the ‘water’-related transformations in silcrete upon heat treatment.- Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 43 in press,
- Staerz, A., Berthold, C., Russ, T., Wicker, S., Weimar, U. & Barsan, N. (2016): The oxidizing effect of humidity on WO3 based sensors.- Sensors and Actuators, B 237 (2016) 54–58,
- Zutterkirch, I. C. Untersuchung der Schalen von Argonauta argo und Argonauta hians hinsichtlich Struktur und mechanischen Eigenschaften.- B.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2016, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 52 pp.
- Amicone, S. and Lown, O.J. (2015): Review of the Accordia Lectures 2014–2015.- Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, 25 (2): 1–10,
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- Balat-Pichelin, M., Charpentier, L., Panerai, F., Chazot, O., Helber, B. & Nickel, K.G. (2015): Oxidation at high temperature in air plasma for the TPS of IXV - passive/active transition and temperature jump.- Proc. 8th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, 2.-6.3.2015, Lisbon, online paper,
- Balat-Pichelin, M., Charpentier, L., Panerai, F., Chazot, O., Helber, B. & Nickel, K.G. (2015): Passive/active oxidation transition for CMC structural materials designed for the IXV vehicle re-entry phase.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35: 487-502,
- Bente, K., Berthold, C., Keuper, M. & Gerdes, A. (2015): Archäometrische Charakterisierung von rotem Schmuckdekor historischer Ethnographica aus dem Königreich Benin (Nigeria), Tunesien und Algerien.- Metalla Sonderhefte 7:
- Berthold, C., Koch-Brinkmann, U. & Zimmer, K.B. (2015): Zerstörungsfreie Untersuchungen an weissgrundigen attischen Lekythen mit modernen hoch ortsauflösenden Röntgenanalyseverfahren und der μ-Ramanspektroskopie,- Metalla Sonderhefte 7: 101-103.
- Bente, K., Posamentir, R. & Berthold, C. (2015): Alternativen zum 3-Phasenbrand schwarzpigmentierter attischer Keramik,- Metalla Sonderhefte 7: 87-88.
- Berthold, C., Keuper, M. & Bente, K (2015) Dealing with antique objects: non destructive X-ray micodiffraction coupled with µ-Raman spectroscopy and µ-X-Ray fluorescense,- Metalla Sonderhefte 7: 24-26.
- Buck, G., Wärmebehandlung in der Mittelsteinzeit - Veränderung der Materialeigenschaften von Silcrete,- M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2014, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen, 61 pp.
- Gerdes, A., Bente, K: & Berthold, C. (2015): Sr- und B-Isotopie zum Korallendekor latene- und hallstattzeitlicher Fibeln und korrelierbare Objekte,- Metalla Sonderhefte 7: 47-48.
- Gradmann, R., Berthold, C. & Schüssler, U. (2015): Composition and colouring agents of historical Islamic glazes measured with EPMA and m-XRD2.- European Journal of Mineralogy, 27: 325-327, dx.doi.org10.1127/ejm/2015/0027-2456
- Hemberger, Y., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2015): Simultaneous phase and chemistry analysis in YSZ by Raman Spectroscopy.- In: Proceedings Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories 2015, 15.-18.9.2015, Vienna (A), ISBN 978-3-9815813-1-7 , USB-Stick, Proceeding 468: 1-5),
- Hemberger, Y., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2015): Comparison of Mechanisms and Corrosion Resistance of Mg- and Y-stabilized Zirconia in silicate slags.- In: Proceedings Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories 2015, 15.-18.9.2015, Vienna (A), ISBN 978-3-9815813-1-7 , USB-Stick, Proceeding 467: 1-5,
- Keuper, M., Transformationskinetik der Niedertemperaturumwandlung von Zirkoniumdioxid, Kumulative Dissertation, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, 2015, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 60 pp
- Lauxmann, F., Benetzungsverhalten silikatischer Schmelzen auf Zirkonia-Keramiken, B.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2015, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 60 pp
- Schmidt, P., Porraz, G., Bellot-Gurlet, L., Ligouis, B., Paris, C., Texier, P.J., Parkington, J.E., Miller, C.E., Nickel, K.G. & Conard, N.J. (2015): A previously undescribed organic residue sheds light on heat treatment in the Middle Stone Age.- Journal of Human Evolution , 85 (8): 22-34,
- Sobott, R., Quenouille, N., Scholl, R., Bente, K. & Berthold, C. (2015): Non-destructive studies on ostraca texts, inks and their ceramic substrates,- Metalla Sonderhefte 7: 248-250.
- Ay, E., Kibaroglu, M. & Berthold, C. (2014): A multi-analytical approach to characterize an Early Bronze Age cosmetic material from Müslümantepe, Southeastern Anatolia.- Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 6 (2): 125-131,
- Dierksen, D., Mikrobiologische Oberflächenkorrosion und Hochtemperatur-eigenschaften von Si3N4-basierten Keramiken, Dissertation, FB Geowissenschaften, 2014, Eberhard-Karls-Univertität Tübingen: Tübingen., 262 pp.
- Grau, V., Bestimmung thermischer Eigenschaften polymerbasierter Verbundwerkstoffe mit der HotDisk Methode, M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2013, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen 51 pp
- Gutwillinger, M., Hochtemperatur-Röntgendiffraktion am Beispiel der Regereration von Y-TZP, Diploma thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2014, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen 120 pp.
- Hofmann, M., Low temperature degradation of 3Y-TZP dental ceramics in application relevant fluids at 80°C.- M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2014, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 127 pp
- Kaessner, S., Herstellung, mechanische Eigenschaften und Bruchverhalten von ZrO2-verstärkten Al2O3-Keramiken (ZTA) für Schleifanwendungen.- M.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2014, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 98 pp.
- Keuper, M., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2014): Long-time ageing in 3 mol% yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals at human body temperatures.- Acta Biomaterialia, 10 (2): 951-959,
- Lauer, C.: - Tempern von Silcrete - Liegt der Verbesserung der Zuschlagbarkeit derselbe Mechanismus zugrunde wie bei Flint?, B.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2014, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 60 pp
- Panerai, F., Helber, B., Chazot, O., Nickel, K.G. & Balat-Pichelin, M. (2014): Aerothermal response of ceramic matrix composites to nitrogen plasma at temperatures above 2000 K.- Aerospace Science and Technology, 39 (12) 1-5,
- Sobott, R., Bente, K. & Kittel, M. (2014): Comparative porosity measurements on ceramic materials,- Old Pottery Almanach 19: 18-25.
- Szilágyi, V., Biró, K.T., Csengeri, P., Szakmány, G., Taubald, H., Mihály, J., Berthold, C., Koós, J.S., & Zöldföldi, J. (2014): Petro-mineralogical and geochemical characterisation of Middle Neolithic Bükk Culture fine ware from Garadna, NE Hungary, in: M. Martinón-Torres (Ed.) Craft and science: International perspectives on archaeological ceramics., vol 1, Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation, Doham Quatar, 2014, pp. 181-190.
- Castellini, E., Berthold, C., Malferrari, D., Bernini, F. (2013): Sodium hexametaphosphate interaction with 2:1 clay minerals illite and montmorillonite.- Applied Clay Science 83-84: 162-170,
- Drechsler, P., Berthold, C., Abdallah al-Naimi, F. & Eichmann, R. (2013): Ceremonial objects or household items? Non-destructive µ-XRD2 and µ-XRF studies on three Neolithic hematite axes from Qatar.- Arabian Archaeology & Epigraphy 24: 119-124,
- Gommper, T.,- Wärmeleitfähigkeitsmessungen von Bornitrid in Kunststoff durch Ramanspektroskopie, B.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2013, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 57 pp
- Gradmann, R., Hasenmayer, M., Berthold, C., Schüssler, U. (2013): Funde von Chevronperlen in den frühneuzeitlichen Glashütten Neulautern und Walkersbach im schwäbisch-fränkischen Wald, Metalla Sonderhefte 6: 289-293.
- Kiemle, T., Oxidation von SiC und C/SiC-Verbundwerkstoffen unter simulierten Bedingungen des atmosphärischen Wiedereintritts, Diploma thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2013, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 178 pp
- Keuper, M., Eder, K., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2013): Direct Evidence for Continous Linear Kinetics in the Low-Temperature Degradation of Y-TZP Zirconia.- Acta Biomaterialia 9 (1): 4826-4835
- Künle, M., Janz, S., Nickel, K.G., Heidt, A., Luysberg, M. & Eibl, O. (2013): Annealing of nm-thin Si1-xCx / SiC multilayers.- Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 115: 11-20
- Nickel, K.G., Keuper, M. & Berthold, C. (2013): The long-time low-temperature degradation (“LTD”) kinetics in 3Y-TZP bioceramics.- Key Engineering Materials 529-530: 589-594;
- Posth, N.R., Köhler, I., Swanner, E.D., Schröder, C., Wellmann, E., Binder, B., Konhauser, K.O., Neumann, U., Berthold, C., Nowak, M., Kappler, A. (2013): Simulating Precambrian banded iron formation diagenesis.- Chemical Geology 362: 66-73,
- Striegel, J., Korrosion und Alterierung von (Y-FSZ Einkristallen durch CAS-Schmelze), B.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2013, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 83 pp
- Eder, K., Niedertemperaturumwandlungen von dentalen ZrO2- Keramiken, Diploma thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2012, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 178pp.
- Hemberger, Y., Keuper, M., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2012): Wetting and Corrosion of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia by Melts and Slags.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society, in press,
- Malangré, D., Herstellung hochporöser Aluminiumoxidkeramiken mit anistroper Porenstruktur.- Diploma thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2011, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 188pp
- Thaler, F., Selbsthaftende keramische Sinterschichten für die isolierende Dichtung eines SOFC-Stacks, Diploma thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2011, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 108 pp.
- Zahoransky, T., Phasenumwandlungen an Zirkoniumoxidkeramik: Ritzversuche und Vickers-Eindrücke im Vergleich.- B.Sc. Thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, FB Geowissenschaften, 2011, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 62 pp
- Zhang, H. & Nickel, K.G. (2012): Hydrothermal oxidation of Ti3SiC2.- In: Low, I.M. (ed): “ Advances in Science and Technology of Mn+1AXn Phases”, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, ISBN: 978-1-84569-991-8, p. 323-354,
- Zivcová-Vlčková, Z., Locs, J., Keuper, M., Sedlářová, I. & Chmelíčková, M. (2012): Microstructural comparison of porous oxide ceramics from the system Al2O3–ZrO2 prepared with starch as a pore-forming agent.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32 (10): 2367-2372
- Berthold, C, Presser, V., Huber, N. & Nickel, K.G. (2011): 1+1=3: Coupling of µ-XRD2 and DTA. New insights into temperature dependent processes. The gypsum – bassanite – anhydrite system as an example.- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 103 (3): 917-923
- Dierksen, D., Kühner, P., Kappler, A. & Nickel, K.G. (2011): Microbial Corrosion of Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Sulphuric Acid Producing Bacteria Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 (6): 1177-1185,
- Hemberger, Y., Krause, O., Zimmermann, J., Presser, V., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K. G. (2011): Studies on wear of unshaped Al2O3-SiC-C materials by means of optical cathodoluminescence microscopy: A fast, powerful method to distinguish between refractory melt interactions and thermally and pO2 induced in situ material alteration.- Proceedings Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories 2011, Kyoto (J), Conference CD paper 1-B1-15, 8 pp.
- Hemberger, Y., Presser, V. & Nickel, K.G. (2011): Kathodolumineszenz-Mikroskopie: eine schnelle, leistungsstarke Methode zur Analyse von Feuerfestmaterialien.- In: Kriegesmann, J.: Technische Keramische Werkstoffe.- Loseblattsammlung, HvB-Verlag Ellerau, Ergänzungslieferung 3/2011, Chapter, p. 1-60, ISBN 978-3-938595-00-8
- Künle, M. (2011): Silicon carbide single and multilayerfilms for photovoltaic applications.- Dissertation, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 220 pp.
- Künle, M., Janz, S., Eibl, O. & Nickel, K.G. (2011): Changes in chemical composition and nanostructure of SiC thin films prepared by PECVD during thermal annealing.- Physica Status Solidi A 208 (8): 1885-1895
- Nickel, K.G., Chazot, O. & Balat-Pichelin, M. (2011): Passive/active oxidation of CMC structural materials. Literature on CMC oxidation and IXV environment.- ESA Technical Notes, CMCox-.‐PROMES-.‐TN01&02, 30 pp.
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- Presser, V., Krummhauer, O., Kailer, A., Nickel, K.G. (2011): In-situ monitoring and depth-resolved characterization of wet wear of silicon carbide.- Wear, 271: 2665-2672
- Presser, V., Loges, A. & Nickel, K.G. (2011): A Novel Approach for Oxide Scale Growth Characterization: Combining Etching with AFM.- Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94 (1): Backside Cover
- Presser, V. & Nickel, K.G. (2011): A novel approach for oxide scale growth characterization: combining etching with AFM.- In: Bhushan, B. (Ed.) Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Springer, New York, p. 353-382,
- Presser, V., Schultheiß, S., Kohler, C., Berthold, C., Nickel, K.G., Vohrer, A., Finckh, H. & Stegmaier, T. (2011): Lessons from nature for the construction of ceramic cellular materials for superior energy absorption.- Advanced Engineering Materials 13 (11): 1042-1049
- Schneider, S., Geopolymere. Bindung von Arsen durch Sorption und Einbau, Diploma thesis, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, 2011, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 172 pp
- Zhang, H.B., Presser, V., Nickel, K.G., Berthold, C. & Zhou, Y.C. (2011): Hydrothermal Oxidation of Bulk Titanium Aluminium Carbide.- Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94 (10): 3460-3466
- Ziegenbalg, S.B., Berthold, C., Kappler, A. & Peckmann, J. (2011): Gypsum whiskers in Messinian evaporates identified by µXRD2.- Facies 22 (2): 249-253, ,
- Deluca, M. Bermejo, R., Grünbichler, H., Presser, V., Danzer, R. & Nickel, K.G. (2010): Raman spectroscopy for the investigation of indentation-induced domain texturing in lead zirconate titanate piezoceramics.- Scripta Materialia 63 (3): 343-346,
- Grigoriev, O.N., Galanov, B.A., Lavrenko, V.A., Panasyuk, A.D., Ivanov, S.M., Koroteev, A.V. & Nickel, K.G. (2010): Oxidation of ZrB2–SiC–ZrSi2 ceramics in oxygen.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 (11): 2397-2405,
- Henning, N., Hydrolytische Beständigkeit von Hüttensanden, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2010, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 72 pp.
- Kohler, C., Phasenbestand im Interface-Bereich verblendeter ZrO2-Keramiken: Einfluss unterschiedlicher Verblendmethoden, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2010, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. pp.
- Kuenle, M., Löper, P., Rothfelder, M., Janz, S., Nickel, K.G. & Eibl, O. (2010): Structural and optical characterization of Si quantumdots in a SiC matrix.- Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 1260: T11-03,
- Künle, M., Kaltenbach, T., Löper, P., Hartel, A., Janz, S., Eibl, O. & Nickel, K.G. (2010): Si-rich SiC thin films: structural and optical transformations during thermal annealing.- Thin Solid Films 519 (1): 151-157,
- Maier, N., Nickel, K.G., Engel, C. & Mattern, A. (2010): Mechanisms and Orientation Dependence of the Corrosion of Single Crystal Cordierite by model diesel particulate ashes.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 (7): 1629-1640,
- Maier, N., Nickel, K.G., Engel, C. & Mattern, A. (2010): Corrosion of Single Crystal Cordierite by Model Diesel Particulate Filter Ashes: Mechanisms and Orientation Dependence.- Advances in Science and Technology 64: 1-6,
- Mihaly, J., Berthold, C., Szilágyi, V., Leno, V., Zöldföldi, J., Piroska, C., Katalin, T.B. (2010): Investigation of the incrustation on Bükk Pottery by means of microanalytical techniques.- Archeometriai Mühely 2010 (4) 249-260
- Nickel, K.G., Quirmbach, P. & Pötschke, J. (2010): High Temperature Corrosion of Ceramics and Refractory Materials.- in: Richardson, T., Cottis, B., Lindsay, R., Lyon, S., Scantlebury, D., Stott, H. & Graham, M. (Eds): Shreir´s Corrosion, Fourth Edition, Vol. 1, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p- 668-690,
- Nickel, K.G., Presser, V., Berthold, C., Vohrer, A., Finck, H. & Stegmaier, T. (2010): Lessons from nature for the construction of ceramic cellular materials for superior energy absorption.- In: Stephani, G., Hipke, T., Scheffler, M. & Adler, J. (Eds): Cellular Materials.- IFAM Dresden, 334-339
- Presser, V., Gerlach, K., Vohrer, A., Nickel, K.G. & Dreher, W.F. (2010): Determination of the elastic modulus of highly porous samples by nanoindentation: a case study on sea urchin spines.- Journal of Materials Science 45: 2408-2418,
- Presser, V. & Nickel, K.G. (2010): Gaskorrosion nicht-oxidischer Werkstoffe am Beispiel von Siliziumkarbid.- in: Kriegesmann, J.: Technische Keramische Werkstoffe.- Losblattsammlung, Kapitel, Ergänzungslieferung März 2010, p. 1-120, HvB-Verlag, Ellerau, ISBN 978-3-938595-00-8
- Presser, V., Nickel, K.G., Loges, A. & Berthold, C. (2010): Reduced thermal conductivity during wear keeps surfaces hot.- Scripta Materialia 62: 219-222,
- Presser, V., Nickel, K.G. & Berthold, C. (2010): Characterization of wear mechanisms in silicon carbide materials.- Advances in Science and Technology 64: 49-58,
- Siebel, W., Hann, H., Danišík, M., Shang, C., Berthold, C., Rohrmüller, J., Wemmer, K., Evans, N. (2010): Age constraints on faulting and fault reactivation: a multi-chronological approach.- International Journal of Earth Sciences 99: 1187-1197,
- Tholey, M. J., Berthold, C., Swain, M. V., Thiel, N. (2010): XRD2 micro-diffraction analysis of the interface between Y-TZP and veneering porcelain: Role of application methods.- Dental Materials 26: 545-552
- Wang, X., Phase Transformation in TZP-ZrO2 under Local Stress and Numerical Simulation, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2010, Eberhard-Karls-Univertität Tübingen: Tübingen., 126 pp.
- Zhang, H.B., Presser, V., Berthold, C., Nickel, K.G., Wang, X., Raisch, C., Chassé, T., He, L.F. & Zhou, Y.C. (2010): Mechanisms and Kinetics of the Hydrothermal Oxidation of Bulk Titanium Silicon Carbide.- Journal of the American Ceramic Society 93 (4): 1148-1155) ,
- Berthold, C., Bjeoumikhov, A., Brugamann, L. (2010): Fast XRD2 Microdiffraction with Focussing X-Ray Microlenses.- Particle & Particle System Characterization.- 26 (3): 107-111,
- Gottwik, L., Einfluss der Dampfsterilisation auf die Festigkeit von spritzgegossenen Y-TZP Keramiken im medizinisch-technischen Bereich, Diploma thesis, Institute für Geowissenschaften, 2009, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 172 pp.
- Hemberger, Y., Degradation von SiC in Al2O3-SiC-C-Stampfmassen während der Eisenerzeugung, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2009, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 203 pp
- Hemberger, Y., Presser, V., Berthold, C., Nickel, K. G., Zimmermann, J., Krause, O., (2009): Optical Cathodoluminescence microscopy: A fast, powerful method to analyze refractories.- Proc. 52th Int.Feuerfestkolloquium, Forschungsgem. Feuerfest eV, p. 127-130
- Heynen, J., Herstellung und Analyse von galvanisch abgeschiedenen 3D Mikrostrukturen aus Gold, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2009, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 64 pp
- Huber, N., In-situ-Methodenkopplung: Differenzialthermoanalyse und Röntgendiffraktometrie. Eine Machbarkeitsstudie., Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2009, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 37 pp.
- Keuper, M., Nachweis der oberflächennahen Phasenumwandlung von Zirkoniumdioxid: Vergleich von RAMAN Spektoskopie und XRD, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2009, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 121 pp.
- Krummhauer, O., Presser, V., Kailer, A., Nickel, K.G. & Hollstein, T. (2009): Corrosion behavior of silicon carbide in aqueous media lubricated sliding applications.- In: Fischer, A. & Bobzin, K. (Eds): Friction, Wear and Wear Prevention, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, p. 191-197,
- Krummhauer, O., Presser, V., Kailer, A. & Nickel, K.G. (2009): Korrosionsverhalten von Siliziumkarbid in Gleitbeanspruchung unter Wasserschmierung.- Proc. Tribologie-Fachtagung GfT Göttingen 2009: 44/1-9
- Kuenle, M., Janz, S., Eibl, O., Berthold, C., Presser, V. & Nickel, K.G. (2009): Thermal annealing of SiC thin films with varying stoichiometry.- Material Science and Engineering B 159-160: 355-360,
- Maier, N., Schädigung von Dieselpartikelfiltern aus Cordierit durch Aschen: Mechanismen und Schutzmaßnahmen, Dissertation, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2009, Eberhard-Karls-Univertität Tübingen: Tübingen., 245 pp.
- Nickel, K.G., Presser, V., Schultheiß, S., Berthold, C., Kohler, C., Nebelsick, J.H., Grossmann, N., Stegmaier, T., Finckh, H. & Vohrer, A (2009): Seeigelstachel als Modell für stoffdurchlässige Einschlagschutzsysteme.- In: Kesel, A.B. & Zehren, D. (Eds) Bionik: Patente aus der Natur, Bionik-Innovations-Centrum Bremen, Bremen p. 26-36, ISBN: 978-3-00-027193-9
- Nickel, K.G., Presser, V., Schultheiß, S. & Berthold, C. (2009): Vorbild Seeigel –Meeresfrucht mit Köpfchen.- Labor & More 4/09: 2-5
- Nickel, K.G. , Presser, V., Krummhauer, O., Kailer, A. & Wirth, R. (2009): Hydrothermal Oxidation of Silicon Carbide and its Bearing on Wear Mechanisms.- In: Salem, J. & Fuller E.R. (eds): Corrosion, Wear, Fatigue, and Reliability of Ceramics, Ceramic Engineering Science Proceedings 29 (3): 143-156,
- Presser, V. (2009): Metamictization in zircon. Part I: Raman investigation following a Rietveld approach: Profile line deconvolution technique.- Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 40: 491-498,
- Presser, V., Oxidation and Wet Wear of Silicon Carbide, Dissertation, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2009, Eberhard-Karls-Univertität Tübingen: Tübingen., 369 pp.
- Presser, V. & Glotzbach, C. (2009): Metamictization in zircon: Raman investigation following a Rietveld approach. Part II: Sampling depth implication and experimental data.- Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 40: 499-508,
- Presser, V., Kohler, C., Živcová, Z., Berthold, C., Nickel, K.G., Schultheiß, S., Gregorovà, E., Pabst, W. (2009): Sea urchin spines as a model-system for permeable, light-weight ceramics with graceful failure behavior. Part II. Mechanical behavior of sea urchin spine inspired porous aluminum oxide ceramics under compression. Journal of Bionic Engineering 6 (4): 357-364,
- Presser, V., Krummhauer, O., Nickel, K.G., Kailer, A. & Wirth, R. (2009): On the P-T Conditions of Wet Silicon Carbide Tribo-Corrosion.- In: Fischer, A. & Bobzin, K. (Eds): Friction, Wear and Wear Prevention, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, p. 198-206,,
- Presser, V., Krummhauer, O., Kailer, A., Nickel, K.G., Berthold, C. & Tirier, K. (2009): Tribological and hydrothermal behaviour of silicon carbide under water lubrication.- Wear 266 (7-8): 771-781,
- Presser, V., Nickel, K.G., Krummhauer, O. & Kailer, A. (2009): A Model for Wet Silicon Carbide Tribo-Corrosion.- Wear 267: 168-176,
- Presser, V., Keuper, M., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2009): Experimental determination of the Raman sampling depth in ZrO2 ceramics.- Applied Spectroscopy 63 (11): 1288-1292
- Presser, V., Loges, A., Wirth, R. & Nickel, K.G. (2009): Microstructural evolution of silica on silicon carbide. Part II: Influence of impurities and defects.- Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 (8): 1796-1805,
- Presser, V., Loges, A., Hemberger, Y., Nickel, K.G. (2009): Microstructural evolution of silica on silicon carbide. Part I: Devitrification and oxidation rates.- Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 (3): 724-731,
- Presser, V., Schuster, B.-E., Casu, M. B., Nickel, K.G., & Chassé, T. (2009): Raman polarization studies of highly ordered diindenoperylene thin films on rutile TiO2(110).- Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 40 (12): 2015-2022,
- Presser, V., Schultheiß, S., Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2009): Sea urchin spines as a model system for permeable, light-weight ceramics with graceful failure behavior. Part I. Mechanical behavior of sea urchin spines under compression.- Journal of Bionic Engineering 6 (3): 203-213,
- Schultheiß, S., Struktur und Bruchverhalten von Seeigelstacheln, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2009, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 92 pp.
- Zhang, H.B., Wang, X., Berthold, C., Nickel, K.G. & Zhou, Y.C. (2009): Effect of Al dopant on the hydrothermal oxidation behavior of Ti3SiC2 powders.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29: 2097-2103,
- Zhang, H.B., Wu,X., Presser, V., Nickel, K.G. & Chen, J.X. (2009): High-pressure powder x-ray diffraction experiments and ab initio calculation of Ti3AlC2.- Journal of Applied Physics 106 (1): 013519,
- Gorse, S., Dünnschichtdiffraktometrie und Gefügebestimmung an PVD-beschichteten Wendeschneidplatten, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2008, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 122 pp.
- Gregorová, E., Živcová, Z., Pabst, W., Štětina, J. & Keuper, M. (2008): Rheology of Ceramic Suspensions with Organic or Biopolymeric Gelling Additives. Part III: Suspensions with Starch.- Silicaty 52 (4): 250-259,
- Lavrenko, V.A., Nickel, K.G., Panasyuk, A.D., Grigoriev, O.N., Galanov, B.A., Chyrkin, A.D., Koroteev, A.V. & Ivanov, S. M. (2008): Corrosion Resistance of UHTCs of the ZrB2-SiC-ZrSi2 System.- Proc. 2nd Int.Conf. Ceramics, Verona, 6/08, CD, 1-7, ISBN 978-88-8080-084-2
- Loges, A., Oxidation defektreicher SiC-Einkristalle, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2008, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 149 pp.
- Nickel, K.G., Lukas, H.L. & Petzow, G. (2008): High-Temperature Corrosion of SiC in Hydrogen-Oxygen Environments.- In: Hack, K. (Ed.): The SGTE Casebook. Thermodynamics at Work. Second Edition.- Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, 200-211,
- Presser, V., Kaliwoda, M., Aliouane, N. (2008): Boron coordination in synthetic sodalites.- BENSC Experimental Reports, Berlin, BENSC
- Presser, V., Klouzkova, A., Mrazova, M., Kohoutkova, M. & Berthold, C. (2008): Micro-Raman spectroscopy on analcime and pollucite in comparison to X-ray diffraction.- Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 39 (5): 587-592,
- Presser, V., Loges, A. & Nickel, K.G. (2008): Scanning electron and polaization microscopy study of the variability and character of hollow macro-defects in silicon carbide wafers.- Philosophical Magazine 88 (11): 1639-1657,
- Presser, V., & Nickel, K.G. (2008): Silica on Silicon Carbide.- Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Science 33 (1): 1-99,
- Presser, V., Heiß, M. & Nickel, K.G. (2008): EOS Calculations for Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell (HDAC) Operation.- Review of Scientific Instruments 79: 0185104-9,
- Presser, V., Berthold, C., Wirth, R. & Nickel, K.G. (2008): Structural characterisation of tribologically influenced ceramic surfaces.- Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 12: 73-80,
- Ringwald, M., Niedertemperatursintern von nanoskaligem Zirkoniumdioxid, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2008, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 144 pp.
- Rünz, S., Korrosionsschutz durch flammgespritztes Al2O3-TiO2 gegenüber einer chloridischen Salzschmelze, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2008, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 82 pp
- Zhang, H., Wang, X., Nickel, K.G. & Zhou, (2008): Experimental and thermodynamic study of the hydrothermal oxidation behavior of Ti3SiC2.- Scripta Materialia 59 (7): 746-749,
- Andresen, K., Charakterisierung Cr-haltiger nanokristalliner Al2O3-PVD-Schichten, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2007, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 95 pp.
- Eiberger, J., Röntgenographische Spannungsmessung durch Mikrodiffraktion, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2007, Eberhard-Karls-Univeristät Tübingen: Tübingen. 169 pp
- Hospach, A., Analyse von Schichtwerkstoffen und deren Diffusionsbeständigkeit mit Tiefenprofilen durch SIMS, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2007, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 129 pp.
- Kircher, S., Fasercharakterisierung durch Laserlichtbeugung, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2007, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen.
- Künle, M., Charakterisierung und Hochtemperaturverhalten von dünnen SiC-Schichten, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2007, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 107 pp.
- Krummhauer, O., Presser, V., Kailer, A. & Nickel, K.G. (2007): Comparison of tribological and corrosive behaviour of silicon carbide under water lubrication.- Proc. 48. Tribologie Fachtagung I, Ges. f. Tribologie, Göttingen 13/11-15
- Maier, N., Nickel, K.G. & Rixecker, G. (2007): High Temperature Water Vapour Corrosion of Rare Earth Disilicates (Y, Yb, Lu)2Si2O7 in the Presence of Al(OH)3 Impurities.- Journal of the.European.Ceramic Society 27 (7): 2705-2713,
- Pabst, W., Berthold, C., Gregorova, E. (2007): Size and shape characterization of oblate and prolate particles.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 27 (2-3): 1121-1130,
- Pabst, W., Berthold, C. (2007): A Simple Approximate Formula for the Aspect Ratio of Oblate Particles.- Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 24 (6): 458-463
- Presser, V. & Nickel, K.G. (2007): Hydrothermal Oxidation of Silicon Carbide Single Crystals Using a Modified Diamond Anvil Cell.- In: Heinrich, J.G. & Aneziris, C.: Proc. 10th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, 191-195
- Schlupp, M., Erarbeitung einer elektrisch hochisolierenden Glasphase in einer ZrO2-Matrix auf Basis oxidischer Rohstoffe, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2007, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. pp.
- Berthold, C., Pabst, W. & Nickel, K.G. (2006): Influence of detector geometries of common laser diffractometers on the apparent particle size distribution of strongly anisotropic particles.- Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Particle Technology, Orlando, FL, paper
- Maier, N., Rixecker, G. & Nickel, K.G. (2006): Formation and Stability of Gd, Y, Yb and Lu Disilicates and Their Solid Solutions.- Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179: 1630-1635,
- Maier, N., Nickel, K.G. & Rixecker, G. (2006): Influence of impurities on the high-temperature water-vapor corrosion of environmental barrier rare-earth silicates.- Key Engineering Materials (326-328): 1780-1783,
- Marquardt, H., Wärmetransport in Granaten, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2006, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. Pp.
- Nickel, K.G. & Merkel, S. (2006): Mechanisms and kinetics of silica-rich binary Na2O-SiO2 glass corrosion in water at pH=7.- Key Engineering Materials (326-328): 1823-1826,
- Pabst, W., Berthold, C., Gregorova, E. (2006): Size and shape characterization of polydisperse short-fiber systems.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 26 (7): 1121-1130,
- Pabst, W., Gregorova, E., Berthold, C., (2006): Particle shape and suspension rheology of short-fiber systems.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 26 (1-2): 149-160,
- Presser, V., Oberflächencharakterisierung und Oxidationsverhalten von trocken, thermisch oxidiertem Siliziumkarbid, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2006, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 366 pp.
- Schmitt, R., Glaser, J., Wenzel, T., Nickel, K.G. & Meyer, H.-J. (2006): A Reactivity Study in the Mg-B System Reaching for an Improved Synthesis of Pure MgB2.- Physica C 436: 38-42,
- Zhu, X., Eibl, O., Berthold, C., Scheideler, L. & Geis-Gerstorfer, J. (2006): Structural characterization of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite and adhesion of pre-osteoblast cells.- Nanotechnology 17: 2711-2721,
- Herrmann, M., Schilm, J., Michael, G., Seipel, B., Krell, A. & Nickel, K.G. (2005): Corrosion of zirconia toughened alumina (ZTA) under hydrothermal conditions at 200°C.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 25 (10): 1805-1812,
- Köhl, M., Temperatureinfluss auf den magnetischen Formgedächtniseffekt, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2005, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 158 pp.
- Laudisio, G., Seipel, B., Ruffini, A. & Nickel, K.G. (2005): Corrosion behavior of Si3N4-TiN composite in sulphuric acid.- Corrosion Science 47 (7): 1666-1677,
- Maier, N., Synthese von Seltenerd-Disilikaten und deren Korrosionsverhalten an strömender feuchter Atmosphäre, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2005, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 257 pp.
- Merkel, S., Löslichkeitsverhalten binärer Natrium-silikat-Gläser, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2005, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 169 pp.
- Nickel, K.G. & Desmaison, J. (2005): Editorial: Corrosion of ceramic matrix composites.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 25 (10): 1697,
- Nickel, K.G. (2005): Ceramic matrix composite corrosion models.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 25 (10): 1699-1704,
- Von Engelhardt, W., Berthold, C., Wenzel, T., Dehner, T. (2005): Chemistry, small-scale inhomogeneity, and formation of moldavites as condensates from sands vaporized by the Ries impact.- Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (23) 5611-5626,
- Dorn, M.T., Phasenumwandlungen in TZP-ZrO2 Zirkonoxid durch lokale mechanische Belastung, Dissertation, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2004, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen, 159 pp.
- Dorn, M.T. & Nickel, K.G. (2004): Zirconia Ceramics: Phase Transformations and Raman Spectroscopy.- In: Gogotsi, Y. & Domnich, S (Ed.): High Pressure Surface Science and Engineering,.- Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol (UK), p. 466-519,
- Dorn, M.T. & Nickel, K.G. (2004): Local T/M-phase amount determination in the vicinity of indentations and scratches in Zirconia.- In: Solomah, A.G. (Ed): Indentation Techniques in Ceramic Materials Characterization, Ceramic Transactions 156: 59-71, ISBN: 978-1574982121
- Laudisio, G., Nickel, K.G. & Klein, R. (2004): Electric corrosion monitoring in ceramics: case study of a Si3N4-TiN particulate composite in sulphuric acid.- In: Singh, M., Kerans, R.J., Lara-Curzio, E. & Naslain, R. (Eds): High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites 5.- Am.Ceram.Soc., Westerville, OH, 431-436, ISBN: 978-1-574-98263-3
- Lehmann, M., Korngrößen- und Kornformcharakterisierung an Kaolinen, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2004, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 146 pp.
- Lehmann, M., Berthold, C., Pabst, W., Gregorová, E. & Nickel, K.G. (2004): Particle Size and Shape Characterization of Kaolins. - Comparison of Settling Methods and Laser Diffraction.- Key Engineering Materials 264-268: 1387-1390,
- Müller, A., Gerstel, P., Butchereit, E., Nickel, K.G. & Aldinger, F. (2004): Si/B/C/N/Al Precursor-Derived Ceramics: Synthesis, High Temperature Behaviour and Oxidation Resistance.- Journal of the.European.Ceramic Society, 24 (12): 3409-3417,
- Nickel, K.G. & Seipel, B. (2004): Corrosion Penetration monitoring of Advanced Ceramics in hot aqueous fluids.- Materials Research 7 (1): 125-133,
- Pfeiffer, S., Untersuchungen zur Haftfestigkeit auf Zirkonoxid basierender Dentalkeramiken, Diploma thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2004, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 123 pp.
- Seipel, B. & Nickel, K.G. (2004): Protection of Silicon nitride ceramics against corrosion in acidic aqueous solutions by enforced internal passivation.- Ceramics International. 30 (2): 267- 271,
- Butchereit, E. & Nickel, K.G. (2003): Beneficial effect of Aluminium on the oxidation behvior of precursor-derived ceramics.- In: Opila, E., Hou, P., Maruyama, T., Pieraggi, B., McNallan, M., Shifler, D. & Wuchina, E.: High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry IV.- The Electrochemical Society, PV 2001-16: 325-338,
- Eyidi, D., Eibl, O., Wenzel, T., Nickel, K.G., Schlachter, S.I. & Goldacker, W.: (2003): Superconducting properties, microstructure and chemical composition of MgB2 sheathed materials.- Superconductor Sci.Tec. 16: 778-788,
- Eyidi, D., Eibl, O., Wenzel, T., Nickel, K.G., Giovannini, M & Saccone, A.: (2003): Phase Analysis of MgB2 superconductors.- Micron 34: 85-96,
- Jacobson, N.S., Fox, D.S., Smialek, J.L., Opila, E.J., Tortorelli, P., More, K., Nickel, K.G., Hirata, T., Yoshida, M. & Yuri, I. (2003): Corrosion issues for ceramics in gas turbines.- In: Van Roode, M., Ferber, M. & Richerson, D. (Eds): Ceramic Gas Turbine Component Development and Charaterization, ASME Press, ISBN #: 0791801977, p.607-640
- Laudisio, G., Nickel, K.G. & Berthold, C. (2003): Oxidation behaviour and electroconductive properties of Si3N4 doped ZrB2.- In: Opila, E., Hou, P., Maruyama, T., Pieraggi, B., McNallan, M., Shifler, D. & Wuchina, E.: High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry IV.- The Electrochemical Society, PV 2001-16: 387 – 397,
- Nickel, K.G. (2003): Editorial: Corrosion of ceramics.- Journal of the European Ceramic Society 23 (4): 575,
- O’Connell, M. Nickel, K.G., Pasel, J. and Peters, R. (2003): The Effect of preparation on Lanthanum and Lanthanum Doped Cobaltates for Application in the Water Gas Shift Reaction.- In: Jackson, S.D., Hargreaves, J.S.J. & Lennon, D.: Catalysis in Application.- Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 78-85,
- Seipel, B., Korrosion von Silziumnitrid und zirkonoxidverstärktem Aluminiumoxid in wässrigen Lösungen unter Durchflußbedingungen, Dissertation, Institut für Geowissenschaften, 2003, Eberhard-Karls-Univertität Tübingen: Tübingen., 182 pp.
- Seipel, B. & Nickel, K.G. (2003): Corrosion of silicon nitride in aqueous acidic solutions: Penetration monitoring.- Journal of the.European.Ceramic Society 23 (4): 595-602,
- Wenzel, T., Nickel, K.G., Meyer, H.-J., Glaser, J., Eyidi. D. & Eibl, O. (2003): Electron Probe Microanalysis of Mg-B compounds: Stoichiometry and Hetereogeneity of Superconductors.- Physica Status Solidi A 198 (2): 374-386,
- Nickel, K.G. (2002): Applied Mineralogy and The Industrial Use of Minerals.- In: Tropper, P. (ed): Introduction to the Mineralogical Sciences, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, [], 18 pp.
- Nickel, K.G. & Butchereit, E. (2002): Corrosion of ceramics from polymeric precursors.- In: Vincenzini, P. (Ed.) 10th International Ceramic Congress – Part A, Techna Srl (I), p. 231-242, ISBN: 88-86538-32-4
- Nickel, K.G. & Seipel, B (2002): Corrosion Penetration monitoring of Advanced Ceramics in hot aqueous fluids.- In: F. Rizzo (Ed): High Temperature Corrosion in Energy Related Systems.- Dpt.Mat.Sci PUC Rio (BR): 253-264
- Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2001): Anordnung zur zerstörungsfreien und berührungslosen Produktionsüberwachung der Dicke und/oder der Geometrie von Fasern in allen Bereichen der Faserproduktion mit Hilfe der Lichtstreuung.- Offenlegungsschrift Patent DE 199 58 993 A1
- Butchereit, E. & Nickel, K.G. (2001): Comparison of the oxidation kinetics of boron free and boron containing precursor derived ceramics.- In: Opila, E.J., McNallan, M.J., Shores, D. A. & Shifler, D.A. (eds): High Temperature Corrosion and Chemistry III, The Electrochemical Society, PV 2001-12: 112-123,
- Butchereit, E., Nickel, K.G. & Müller, A. (2001): Precursor derived Si-B-C-N ceramics: oxidation knetics.- Journal of the American Ceramic Society 84 (10): 2184-2188,
- Galanov, B.A., Ivanov, S.M., Kartuzov, E.V., Kartuzov, V.V., Nickel, K.G. & Gogotsi, Y.G. (2001): Model of oxide scale growth on Si3N4 ceramics: nitrogen diffusion through oxide scale and pore formation.- Computational Materials Science 21 (1): 79-85,
- Kraft, T. & Nickel, K.G. (2001): Kohlenstoffmikrokugeln und Verfahren zur Herstellung eben solcher Kohlenstoffmikrokugeln.- Offenlegungsschrift Patent DE 199 35 447 A1
- Schumacher, C., Oxidationsverhalten von Bor und Kohlenstoff beinhaltenden gesinterten Siliciumcarbid-Werkstoffen bei 1500°C, 2001, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen, 159 pp.
- Bausinger, H., Materialeigenschaften von dotierten Perowskiten des Typs LaCrO3, Dissertation, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 2000, Eberhard-Karls-Univertität Tübingen: Tübingen.
- Berthold, C., Lühmann, J., Klein, R. & Nickel, K.G. (2000): Partikelmesstechniken im Vergleich: Untersuchungen zur Korngrößenbestimmung toniger Rohstoffe / Particle measurement techniques compared - tests on the grain size determination of clayey raw materials.- Ziegelindust. Int. / Brick Tile Indust.Int. 53 (6): 38-45
- Berthold, C., Lühmann, J., Klein, R. & Nickel, K.G. (2000): Partikelmesstechniken im Vergleich: Untersuchungen zur Korngrößenbestimmung toniger Rohstoffe / Particle measurement techniques compared - tests on the grain size determination of clayey raw materials.- Aufbereitungs Technik 41 (7): 310-318
- Berthold, C., Klein, R., Lühmann, J. & Nickel, K.G. (2000): Characterization of fibers and fiber collectives with common laser-diffractometers.- Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 17 : 113-116,<113::AID-PPSC113>3.0.CO;2-Z
- Butchereit, E. & Nickel, K.G. (2000): Oxidation behavior of precursor derived ceramics in the system Si-(B)-C-N.- Key Engineering Materials 175-176: 69-78,
- Clemens, F., Entwicklung einer oxidationsbeständigen Faserbeschichtung für die Optimierung der Faser-Matrix-Grenzfläche im Faserverbundsystem Al2O3/Mullit, Dissertation, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 2000, Eberhard-Karls-Univertität Tübingen: Tübingen, 190pp.
- Dorn, M.T. & Nickel, K.G. (2000): Indentation Induced t- and m-Phase Orientation in ZrO2.- In: Müller, G. (Ed.): Ceramics - Processing, Reliability, Tribology and Wear (Euromat 99 - Vol. 12), Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 378-384, ISBN: 978-3527301942
- Etzel, T., Oxidationsverhalten poröser Siliziumcarbonitridkeramiken aus polymeren Precursoren, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 2000, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 70 pp.
- Galanov, B.A., Ivanov, S.M., Kartuzov, E.V., Kartuzov, V.V., Gogotsi, Y.G., Schumacher, C. & Nickel, K.G. (2000): Computer Modeling of Oxide Scale Growth on Si-Based Ceramics.- In: McNallan, M.J., Opila, E.J., Maruyama & Narita, T. (Eds): High Temerature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry. The Electrochemical Soc., PV 99-38: 378-387,
- Gogotsi, Y.G., Domnich, V., Dub, S.N., Kailer, A. & Nickel, K.G. (2000): Cyclic nanoindentation and Raman microspectroscopy study of phase transformations in semiconductors.- Journal of Materials Research 15 (3): 871-879,
- Gogotsi, Y.G., Kailer, A. & Nickel, K.G. (2000): Will Diamond Transform Under Pressure?.- Reproduced from poster [1st price in „problem solving“] at the 101st American Ceramic Soc. Meeting Ceramographc Exhibit, Journal of the .American Ceramic Society 83 (3): Backside Cover
- Klein, R., Eine neue Methode zur Formerkennung mit der Laserbeugung, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 2000, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 95 pp
- Kraft, T. & Nickel, K.G. (2000): Hydrothermal Carbon Coating of a-SiC crystals.- In: Dimigen, H (Ed): Surface Engineering (Euromat 99 - Volume 11).- Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 306-311, ISBN: 978-3527301966
- Kraft, T. & Nickel, K.G. (2000): Carbon formed by hydrothermal treatment of a-SiC crystals.- Journal of Materials Chemistry 10 (3): 671-680,
- Muss, A., Oberflächenpitbildung und mechanische Eigenschaften nach oxidativer und korrosiver Belastung an Siliziumnitrid-keramiken, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 2000, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. pp.
- Nickel, K.G. & Gogotsi, Y.G. (2000): Corrosion of Hard Materials.- In: Riedel, R (Ed).: Handbook of Ceramic Hard Materials.- Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, Vol. 1: 140-182,
- Nickel, K.G., Butchereit, E. & Schumacher, C. (2000): On the role of boron in the oxidation of Si-C±N±B ceramics.- In: McNallan, M.J., Opila, E.J., Maruyama & Narita, T. (Eds): High Temerature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry. The Electrochemical Soc., PV 99-38: 365-377,
- Nickel, K.G., Kraft, T. & Gogotsi, Y.G. (2000): Hydrothermal Synthesis of Diamond.- Für: Riedel, R.: Handbook of Ceramic Hard Materials.- Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, Vol. 1: 374-389,
- Nickel, K.G. & Berthold, C. (2000): Hot corrosion protection for silica-formers.- In: McNallan, M.J., Opila, E.J., Maruyama & Narita, T. (Eds): High Temerature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry. The Electrochemical Soc., PV 99-38: 429-438,
- Schumacher, C & Nickel, K.G. (2000): Influence of Boron and Carbon Additives on the Oxidation of Sintered Silicon Carbide at 1500°C.- Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 21 (3/4): 615-622,
- Stephan, M., Zur Entwicklung von ZrO2-verstärkten Dentalkeramiken, Dissertation, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 2000, Eberhard-Karls-Univertität Tübingen: Tübingen, 127 pp.
- Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (1999): Verfahren um mit Laserbeugungsgeräten zur Korngrößenmessung eine Kornformbestimmung durchzuführen.- Patentanmeldung PCT/DE 99/02690
- Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (1999): The role of liquid immiscibility dynamics in the hot corrosion of silica and silica-formers.- In: Vincenzini, P.: Ceramics: Getting into the 2000´s.-, Part A, Techna Srl., p. 445-451, ISBN: 8886538146
- Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (1999): Salzschmelzkorrosion von SiO2 und SiO2-Bildnern.- Ceramic Forum International., Beihefte 14 (1): 7-17
- Galanov, B.A., Ivanov, S.M., Kartuzov, V.V., Nickel, K.G. & Gogotsi, Y.G. (1999): Model of oxide scale growth on Si3N4 and SiC ceramics: heterogenous crystallisation of SiO2 and silicates in the scale.- In: Vincenzini, P.: Ceramics: Getting into the 2000´s.-, Part A, Techna Srl., p. 423-432, ISBN: 8886538146
- Gogotsi, Y.G., Kailer, A. & Nickel, K.G. (1999): Transformation of Diamond to Graphite.- Nature 401: 663-664,
- Kailer, A., Nickel, K.G. & Gogotsi, Y.G. (1999): Raman spectroscopy of nanocrystalline and amorphous phases in hardness indentations.- Journal of Raman Spectrosc. 30: 939-946,<939::AID-JRS460>3.0.CO;2-C
- Kailer, A., Lokale Schädigung von Oberflächen und Phasenumwandlungen in harten, spröden Materialien verursacht durch mechanischen Kontakt, Dissertation, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1999, Eberhard-Karls-Univertität Tübingen: Tübingen, 181 pp.
- Nickel, K.G. (1999): Zur Modellierung der Kinetik von Korrosionsprozessen.- Ceramic Forum International, Beihefte 14 (1): 7-17
- Nickel, K.G. (1999): Corrosion: No Problem for Precursor-Derived Covalent Ceramics?.- In: Bill, J, Wakai, F. & Aldinger, F.: Precursor-Derived Ceramics, VCH, Weinheim, p. 188-196,
- Schumacher, C., Nickel, K.G. & Thaler, H. (1999): Oxidationsverhalten optimierter SSiC-Werkstoffe bei 1500°C in trockenen und feuchten Atmosphären.- In: Kranzmann, A. & Gramberg, U.: WerkstoffWoche 98, 3: 25-30
- Stephan, M. & Nickel, K.G. (1999): Haftung und Festigkeit von ZrO2-verstärkter glasinfiltrierter Dentalkeramik als Verbundwerkstoff.- In: Planck, H. & Stallforth, H. WerkstoffWoche 98, 4: 281-286
- Berthold, C., Degradation von Si3N4 als Ventilwerkstoff durch Oxidation und Salzschmelzkorrosion bei Einsatztemperaturen, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1998, Eberhard-Karls-Univertität Tübingen: Tübingen, 145 pp
- Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (1998): Hot-corrosion behaviour of silica and silica-formers: external vs. internal control.- Journal of the.European.Ceramic Society 18(16): 2365-2372,
- Butchereit, E. & Nickel, K.G. (1998): Oxidation behavior of precursor derived Si-(B)-C-N-ceramics.- Journal of Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science 7: 15-21,
- Gogotsi, Y.G., Kailer, A. & Nickel, K.G. (1998): Pressure-induced phase transformations in diamond.- Journal of Applied Physics 84 (3): 1299-1304,
- Gogotsi, Y.G., Kraft, T., Nickel, K.G. & Zvanut, M.E. (1998): Hydrothermal Behavior of Diamond.- Diamond and Related Materials 7 (10): 1459-1465,
- Gogotsi, Y.G. & Nickel, K.G. (1998): Formation of filamentous carbon from Paraformaldehyde under high temperatures and pressures.- Carbon 36 (7-8): 937-942,
- Gogotsi, Y.G., Welz, S., Daghfal, J., McNallan, M.J., Jeon, I.D., Nickel, K.G. & Kraft, T. (1998): Formation of carbon coatings on SiC fibers by selective etching in halogens and supercritical water.- Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 19 (3): 87-94,
- Gogotsi, Y.G., Rosenberg, M.S., Kailer, A. & Nickel, K.G. (1998): Phase Transformations in Semiconductors under Contact Loading.- In: Bhushan, B.: Tribology Issues and Opportunities in MEMS.- , Kluwer, p. 431-442
- Kailer, A., Gogotsi, Y.G. & Nickel, K.G. (1998): Use of Indentation tests coupled with micro-raman spectroscopy in high-pressure materials research.- Mat.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc. 499: 225-230,
- Kraft, T., Nickel, K.G. & Gogotsi, Y. (1998): Hydrothermal Degradation of chemical vapour deposited SiC Fibers.- Journal of Materials Science 33: 4357-4364,
- Kraft, T. & Nickel, K.G. (1998): Solvothermal formation of sp2- and sp3-carbon from carbides.- Eurocarbon ´98 Extd. Abstracts, Straßbourg, F, 5.-9.7.1998, p. 881-882
- Nickel, K.G., Gogotsi, Y.G., Backhaus-Ricoult, M., Galanov, B. & Urbanovich, V. (1998): Reliable and cost effective ceramic components for high temperature fast-firing porcelain furnaces and gas turbines by microstuctural control of oxide scales of SiC and Si3N4.- Proc. EU-Workshop „Advanced Ceramics, Alloys and Composite Materials“, Brüssel 12.-13.3.1998, Europ.Comm., 25-34
- Stephan, M. & Nickel, K.G. (1998): Zum Haftmechanismus beim Verblenden von Dentalkeramik: InCeram Alumina und Vitadur a.- Quintessenz Zahntech. 24 (2): 147-150
- Stephan, M. & Nickel, K.G. (1998): Acerca del mechanismo de adherencia en el revestimineto de ceramica dental.- InCeram Alumina y Vitadur alfa.- Quintessenz tecnica 9 (5): 297-300
- Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G. (1997): Modelling of the influence of corrosion on strength and reliability of Si3N4-ceramics.- In: Aldinger, F. & Mughrabi, H.: Werkstoffwoche ´96, 7: 577-582, DGM Frankfurt
- Berthold, C. & Nickel, K.G.(1997): Corrosion of Si-based non-oxide ceramics by molten Na2SO4.- Key Engineering Materials 132-136: 1588-1591,
- Butchereit, E. & Nickel, K.G. (1997): Bubble Formation in the system Si-O-N.- Key Engineering Materials 132-136: 1592-1596,
- Butchereit, E., Nickel, K.G., Sauer, E. & Schwab, K. (1997): Reaction kinetics in the Si-O-N-System and their relation to bubble and pit formation in Si3N4-ceramics.- In: Aldinger, F. & Mughrabi, H.: Werkstoffwoche ´96, 7: 569-575, DGM Frankfurt
- Dorn, M., Ramanspektroskopische Charakterisierung von Kohlenstoffschichten nach Belastung mit Härteeindruckverfahren, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1997, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 108 pp.
- Gogotsi, Y.G. & Nickel, K.G. (1997): Hydrothermal Synthesis of Diamond: Challenges and Opportunities.- Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 18 (4) : 747-754,
- Gogotsi,Y.G., Kailer, A. & Nickel, K.G. (1997): Phase transformations in materials studied by Micro-Raman spectroscopy of indentations.- Materials Research Innovations 1 : 3-9,
- Kailer, A., Gogotsi, Y.G. & Nickel, K.G. (1997): Micro-Raman spectroscopy of indentation-induced phase transformations.- Proc. EuroMat 97, 4: 171-174
- Kailer, A., Gogotsi, Y. & Nickel, K.G. (1997): Micro-Raman spectroscopy of contact-induced phase transformations in semiconductors.- In: Michel, B. & Winkler, T. (Eds): Micro Materials, DVM, Berlin, p. 174-176
- Kailer, A., Gogotsi, Y. & Nickel, K.G. (1997): Phase transformations of silicon caused by contact loading.- Journal of Applied Physics 81(7):3057-3063,
- Nickel, K.G. (1997): Corrosion of Non-Oxide Ceramics.- Ceramics International 23: 127-133,
- Nickel, K.G. & Butchereit, E. (1997): Silicon Nitride at Very High Temperatures: Bubble and Pit Formation.- Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 18 (3) : 535-546,
- Plitzko, J., Rösler, M. & Nickel, K.G. (1997): Heteroepitaxial Growth of Diamond Thin Films on Silicon: Information Transfer by Epitaxial Tilting.- Diamond and Related Materials 6: 935-939,
- Rodemann, C., Gefügeentwicklung von hochporösen keramischen Preforms zur Festigkeitssteigerung von Keramik-Metall-Verbundwerkstoffen, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1997, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 91 pp.
- Spiegel, M., Berthold, C. & Postrach, S. (1997): Korrosion von MgAl2O4 unter Ablagerungen aus Müllverbrennungsanlagen.- 2(1): 338
- Bausinger, H., Thermophysikalische Eigenschaften von keramischen Werkstoffen für Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzellen bei realen Betriebsbedingungen, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1996, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 92 pp.
- Berthold, C., Nickel, K.G. & Weißkopf, K.L. (1996): A Device for the Testing of Edge Flaking of Ceramic Valves.- Ceramic Forum International 73: 531-533
- Essig, O., Physikalisch-Chemisches Verhalten von Natriumsulfatschmelzen auf keramischen Oberflächen, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1996, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 80 pp.
- Geißler, B., Porositäten und Festigkeiten von Dentalkeramiken, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1996, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 57 pp.
- Gogotsi, Y.G., Kofstad, P., Yoshimura, M. & Nickel, K.G. (1996): Formation of sp3-bonded Carbon upon Hydrothermal Treatment of SiC.- Diamond and Related Materials 5 (2): 151-162,
- Gogotsi, Y.G., Nickel, K.G., Bahloul-Hourlier, D., Merle-Mejean, T., Khomenko, G.E. & Skjerlie, K.P. (1996): Structure of Carbon Produced by Hydrothermal Treatment of ß-SiC Powder.- Journal of Materials Chemistry 6: 595-604,
- Nickel, K.G. & Gogotsi, Y.G. (1996): Approaches to Standardisation - High-Temperature Oxidation and Hydrothermal Corrosion of Silica-Forming Ceramics.- Key Engineering Materials 113: 15-30,
- Nickel, K.G., Lukas, H.L. & Petzow, G. (1996): High-Temperature Corrosion of SiC in Hydrogen-Oxygen Environments.- In: Hack, K. (Ed.): The SGTE Casebook. Thermodynamics at Work.- The Institute of Metals, Book 621, London, 163-175
- Scholpp, T., Einfluß katalytisch wirkender Metallverbindungen auf das Carbonisier- und Graphitierverhalten von Kohlenstoffmesophasen, in Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1996, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 113 pp.
- Schwab, K., Korrosion poröser SiC-Keramiken unter Rußfilterbedingungen, Dissertation, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1996, Uni Tübingen: Tübingen, 170 pp
- Stephan, M., Beschichtungsverhalten von Verblendmaterialien auf Dentalkeramiken, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1996, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 69 pp.
- Clemens, F., Device-Simulation zum Ätzvorgang von Siliziumwafern im Bereich der Drucksensorik, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1995, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 95 pp.
- Gogotsi, Y.G., Nickel, K.G. & Kofstad, P. (1995): Hydrothermal Synthesis of Diamond from Diamond-Seeded ß-SiC Powder.- Journal of Materials Chemistry 5(12): 2313-2314,
- Gogotsi, Y.G. & Nickel, K.G. (1995): Hydrothermal Corrosion of ß-SiC Powder.- Extd. Abstracts of 188th Electrochemical Society Meeting, 8.-13.10.1995, Chicago, U.S.A., p. 72
- Györfi, M., Verfestigung keramischer Wärmedämmbauteile bei Temperaturen unter 100°C, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1995, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 77 pp.
- Kailer, A., Kantenfestigkeit von keramischen Auslaßventilen, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1995, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 78 pp.
- Leonhardt, M., Phasenbeziehungen im System Si3N4-SiO2-Y2O3, in Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1995, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 105 pp.
- Nickel, K.G. (1995): Upper temperature limits for silicon-based ceramics.- Extd. Abstracts of 188th Electrochemical Society Meeting, 8.-13.10.1995, Chicago, U.S.A., p. 74
- Nickel, K.G. (1995): Corrosion of Non-Oxide Ceramics.- Proc. 8th CIMTEC, 29.6.-4.7.1994, Faenza, Italy
- Rösler, M., Heteroepitaktische Abscheidung von Diamant auf Silizium, Dissertation, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1995, Eberhard-Karls-Univertität Tübingen: Tübingen, 160 pp.
- Berthold, C., Nickel, K.G. & Weißkopf, K. (1994): Korrosion und mechanische Eigenschaften von Si3N4-Ventilwerkstoffen bei Anwendungstemperaturen.- In: Telle, R. & Quirmbach, P.: Korrosion und Verschleiß von keramischen Werkstoffen.- DKG, Köln, p. 141-145
- Jensen, H., Phasengleichgewichte in Zementsystemen, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1994, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 98 pp
- Nickel, K.G., Nickel, H., Förthmann, R. & Porz, F. (1994): Recommendations for the Conduction of Corrosion Tests of Ceramic Materials - Part I: Furnace Tests on the passive oxidation and its influence on the mechanical properties of SiC materials.- Ceramic Forum International 71: 624-631
- Nickel, K.G. (1994): Ventile aus Siliziumnitrid - Hochleistungskeramik in der Motortechnik.- Technische Rundschau Transfer 21: 38-40
- Nickel, K.G. (1994): Multiple Law modelling for the oxidation of advanced ceramics and a model-independent figure-of-merit.- In: Nickel, K.G. (ed.): Corrosion of Advanced Ceramics - Measurement and Modelling.- NATO ASI Series E: 267: 59-72, Kluwer Academic Pub. Dordrecht, NL,
- Nickel, K.G. (1994): Corrosion of Ceramics at High Temperatures.- Encyclopedia of Advanced Materials, Pergamon Press, Oxford, p. 502-506
- Nickel, K.G. (1994, Ed.): Corrosion of Advanced Ceramics - Measurement and Modelling.- NATO ASI Series E 267, 468 pp. Kluwer Academic Pub. Dordrecht, NL,
- Nickel, K.G., Däumling, U. & Weißkopf, K. (1994): Hydrothermal Reactions of Si3N4.- Key Engineering Materials 89-91: 295-300,
- Plitzko, J.M., Untersuchungen an Korngrenzphasen und Grenzphasen mit dem hochauflösenden Transmissionselektronenmikroskop (HRTEM), Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1994, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 88 pp
- Quirmbach, P. , Schäfer, U., Nickel, K.G. & Petzow, G. (1994): Destruktionsmechanismen bei der Hochtemperaturgaskorrosion von SSiC.- Praktische Metallographie Sonderbände 25: 167-178, Carl Hanser Verlag, München
- Schneider, G.A. & Nickel, K.G. (1994): Thermal loading and corrosion of ceramics by light irridation.- In: Nickel, K.G. (Ed.): Corrosion of Advanced Ceramics - Measurement and Modelling.- NATO ASI Series E: 267: 375-384, Kluwer Academic Pub. Doordrecht, NL,
- Schwab, K. & Nickel, K.G. (1994): Einfluß von P(O2) und Na2SO4 auf die Korrosion von SiC.- In: Telle, R. & Quirmbach, P.: Korrosion und Verschleiß von keramischen Werkstoffen.- DKG, Köln, p. 85-90
- Telle, R., Nickel, K.G. & Quirmbach, P. (1994): Standardisierung von Prüfmethoden für Korrosion und Verschleiß keramischer Werkstoffe Chance oder Hindernis im internationalen Wettbewerb.- In: Telle, R. & Quirmbach, P.: Korrosion und Verschleiß von keramischen Werkstoffen.- DKG, Köln, p. 347-352
- Däumling, U., Reaktionen von Si3N4-Pulver mit H2O, Diploma thesis, Institut f. Mineralogie, Petrologie & Geochemie, 1993, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: Tübingen. 64 pp.
- Nickel, K.G., Fu, Z. & Quirmbach, P. (1993): High temperature oxidation and corrosion of engineering ceramics.- Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 115: 76-82,
- Quirmbach, P., Morgan, T.J.P., Nickel, K.G. & Petzow, G. (1993): Oxidation of Silicon Carbide in Carbon Monoxide.- Proc. 2nd European Ceramic Society Conference
- Mücklich, F., Hoffmann, M.J., Schubert, H. & Nickel, K.G. (1992): Microstructure Analysis of ceramic materials – necessity, requirements and value of results.- Neue Hütte 37 (4): 145-153
- Nickel, K.G. & Petzow, G. (1992): Phase Diagrams - Key to Advanced Ceramics Development.- Solid State Phenomena 25 & 26, 11-22,
- Nickel, K.G. (1992): The role of condensed silicon monoxide in the active-to-passive oxidation transition of silicon carbide.- Journal of the.European.Ceramic Society, 9: 3-8,
- Nickel, K.G. (1992): Aluminium - Sodium - Oxygen.- In: Petzow, G. and Effenberg, G: Ternary Alloys.-, 7: 331-334, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, F.R.G.
- Nickel, K.G. (1992): Aluminium - Molybdenum - Oxygen.- In: Petzow, G. and Effenberg, G: Ternary Alloys.- 7: 219-220 , Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, F.R.G.
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