PD Dr. Melanie Nagel

University of Tübingen
Geo- and Environmental Research Center
Schnarrenbergstraße 94/96
72076 Tübingen
Room: 5R22

Melanie Nagel is a political scientist specializing in environmental policy issues such as climate policy, air pollution control, water management, infrastructure policy and agricultural and food policy. She completed her doctorate at the University of Konstanz in 2014 with a thesis on political polarization in the conflict over Stuttgart 21 and habilitated at the University of Tübingen in 2023 on the topic of ‘Environmental Policy Networks’.

Together with Kira Rehfeld, she is currently leading the research project ‘ICAWaR - Improving climate adaptation policies for water resilience’ at the GUZ - Geo and Environmental Centre. She also works as a senior researcher at the University of Heidelberg and coordinates the project ‘Carbon emission information for local climate action’.

Previously, she was part of the research group ‘AgroBioDiv’ on the ecological transformation of agricultural and food policy in Baden-Württemberg and taught as a visiting professor at the IBEI in Barcelona. She is affiliated as “Privatdozentin” at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Tübingen and substituted the professorship of Prof. Jale Tosun at the University of Heidelberg in the summer semester 2023.

From 2016 to 2020, she worked in the research group ‘Material Theory of the State’ at the University of Konstanz and was a visiting scholar at the University of Arizona in the winter semester 2018/19. As PI of the German research team of the international research network COMPON, she analyses climate policy networks in about 20 countries. She is an active member of the teaching team of the POLNET School of Methods and teaches social network analysis.

Publications and more (extract)

  • Andert, M., Nagel, M. (2024): Failed mobility transition in an ideal setting and implications for building a green city. Npj Climate Action.
  • Nagel, M., Tosun, J., Kellermann, L., Wiethaler, C., Marek, C., Koch, M. (2024): Politische Maßnahmen zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft und deren Wahrnehmung durch ihre Zielgruppe. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht ZfU. Heft 3-24.
  • Betz, J., Bieling, H.-J., Futterer, A., Möhring-Hesse, M. & M. Nagel (Hrsg.) (2023): Konflikte um Infrastrukturen. Öffentliche Debatten und politische Konzepte. Bielefeld: Transcript.
  • Nagel, M., Kammerer, M. (2023): Tackling climate change on the local level: A growing research agenda. Review of Policy Research. doi:10.1111/ropr.12577
  • Nagel, M., Satoh, K. & Henry, A. (2023): Network Analysis of Scientific Advisory Committee Integration in Climate Change Policy: A Comparison of Germany and Japan. PLOS Climate, doi:10.1371/journal.pclm.0000222
  • Nagel, M., Schäfer, M. (2023): Powerful stories of local climate action. Comparing the evolution of narratives using the "narrative rate" index. Review of Policy Research, Special Issue Local Climate Governance. doi:10.1111/ropr.12545
  • Nagel, M., & Bravo-Laguna, C. (2022): Analyzing multi-level governance dynamics from a discourse network perspective: the debate over air pollution regulation in Germany. Environmental Sciences Europe, 34: 62, doi:10.1186/s12302-022-00640-0
  • Satoh, K., Nagel, M., Schneider, V. (2022): Organizational Roles and Network Effects on Ideational Influence in Science-Policy Interface: Climate Policy Networks in Germany and Japan. Social Networks Special Issue Anthropogenic Climate Change. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2022.01.014
  • Nagel, M. (2022): Verkehr und saubere Luft: ziemlich beste Feinde, in: Bürger & Staat, Öffentliche Infrastrukturen. Die politische Gestaltung der vernetzten Gesellschaft, Heft 1/ 2-2022, 50-55.
  • Nagel, M., Schäfer, M. (2021): Polarisierung und politischer Diskurs in Zeiten von Corona, in: Bürger & Staat, Polarisierung. Gespaltene Gesellschaft(en) im Zeichen von Pandemie und Populismus, Heft 4-2021, 71. Jahrgang, 222-228.
  • Novotný, V., Satoh, K., Nagel, M. (2020): Refining the Multiple Streams Framework’s Integration Concept: Renewable Energy Policy and Ecological Modernization in Germany and Japan in Comparative Perspective. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 1–19, doi:10.1080/13876988.2020.1770089
  • Bossner, F., Nagel, M. (2020): Discourse Networks and Dual Screening: Analyzing Roles, Content and Motivations in Political Twitter Conversations, Politics and Governance, 8 (2). doi:10.17645/pag.v8i2.2573
  • Nagel, M., Stark, M., Satoh, K., Kaip, E., Schmitt, M. (2019): Diversity in Collaboration: Networks in Urban Climate Change Governance. Urban Climate, 29, 100502. doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2019.100502
  • Nagel, M., Satoh, K. (2019): Protesting Iconic Megaprojects: a Discourse Network Analysis of the Evolution of the Conflict over Stuttgart 21, Urban Studies, 56(8), 1681-1700. doi:10.1177/0042098018775903