Biology for Geoscientists (BSc) - Part I
Language: German
When: Wintersemester, 1st semester BSc
Coordination: Dr. Annett Junginger
Content: The earth’s evolution, global material flows and surface processes are closely related to the evolution of the biosphere. Biology for geoscientists aims at the introduction to the principles of biological processes and diversity of organisms with the focus on the interaction between geo- and biosphere. The main aim of the course is the understanding of the construction, evolution an classification of living organisms and their relevance for the earth sciences.
Palaeontology (BSc)
Language: German
When: Wintersemester, 3rd semester BSc
Coordination: Prof. Dr. James Nebelsick
Content: The module Palaeontology contains the introduction to palaeontology and focuses on the role of fossils and fossil assemblages in geosciences. In particular, the module offers an overview of the different topics in palaeontology, the introduction to definitions and terminologies, practicals focusing on the different paleontological methods, excursions and field practicals to fossil localities in the surrounding areas of the university. It will be explained, how fossils develop and how they are applied to the topics palaeoecology, palaeobiogeography, palaeoclimate, and stratigraphy and how fossils can prove evolution.
Micropaleontology (MSc)
Language: English
When: Wintersemester, any MSc semester
Coordinator: Dr. Annett Junginger
Content: This course covers all aspects of biology, ecology, morphology and geological significance and evolution of important microfossil groups. The course aims at learning how microfossils can be applied as palaeoenvironmental indicators in climate change research and for age and depositional setting analysis in industrial micropalaeontology and biostratigraphy. The course includes task-based practicals and simulations and is accompanied by an extensive laboratory exercise in sample processing and sample analysis, which form the basis of an independent project, which trains the students to independently carry out palaeoenvironmental analyses and age determinations with microfossils and to critically evaluate micro-palaeontological data.