Northern permafrost regions experience stronger warming than other regions in the world, thus are very sensitive to environmental change. A direct consequence is the thawing of permafrost in soils which is known to unlock huge amounts of C and N to biogeochemical cycling. Thawing results in a simultaneous ecosystem and plant-community shift from elevated, dry and nutrient-poor patches (palsa) inhabited by shrubs and mosses to inundated, wet and nutrient-rich areas (fen) dominated by mosses and sedges.
Plant type and cover are important controls to greenhouse gas balances in soils and may be decisive on whether soils are a sink or a source of gases to the atmosphere. So far, the role of root-mediated greenhouse gas producing versus consuming, transporting, releasing versus retaining processes is largely unknown. Root contributions to greenhouse gas emissions may range from root architecture to root microbiome and rhizosphere biogeochemistry impacts. This project evaluates a full thawing succession at the Abisco Scientific Research Station in Northern Sweden. Field installations, complex freeze-thaw incubation experiments followed by comprehensive analyses of rhizosphere biogeochemistry as well as microbiome signatures in combination with greenhouse gas flux measurements will be used to obtain a better understanding of root-soil interactions and the implications to greenhouse gas emissions from permafrost-affected soils. Specifically, we want to unravel the following research questions:
What role do root architectural variations play for both the transport versus entrapment of greenhouse gases and the presence, activity, and localization of greenhouse gas producing versus consuming microbial communities?
What role do different root exudates and plant detritus play in microbially mediated greenhouse gas emissions?
This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is located at the University of Tübingen.