

ILW Award 2020/21 goes to Nantia Leonidou for her master thesis

Nantia Leonidou was honored for her master’s thesis on tissue-specific reconstruction of restriction-based metabolic models.

The joint board of Informatics in the Life Sciences of the German Informatics Society e. V. (GI) and the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology e. V. (GMDS) honors Nantia Leonidou for her master thesis on tissue-specific reconstruction of restriction-based metabolic models.

Congratulations to Nantia Leonidou for receiving an award for her master’s thesis on “Tissue-specific reconstruction of constraint-based metabolic models based on ReconX” in the field of Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics at the 66th Annual Meeting of the GI and GMDS.
