Center for Plant Molecular Biology

Research Group Üstün

Proteolytic degradation pathways and their role in plant immunity

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Orosa, B., Üstün, S., Calderón Villalobos, L.I.A., Genschik, P., Gibbs, D., Holdsworth, M.J., Isono, E., Lois, M., Trujillo, M. and Sadanandom, A. (2020), Plant proteostasis – shaping the proteome: a research community aiming to understand molecular mechanisms that control protein abundance. New Phytol, 227: 1028-1033. doi:1111/nph.16664

Langin G., Gouguet P., Üstün S*. (2020) Microbial Effector Proteins – A Journey through the Proteolytic Landscape, Trends in Microbiology,

Albers P., Üstün S., Witzel K., Kraner M., Börnke F. (2019) A remorin from Nicotiana benthamiana interacts with the Pseudomonas type-III effector protein HopZ1a and is phosphorylated by the immune-related kinase PBS1. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction

Üstün, S., and Hofius, D. (2018). Anti- and pro-microbial roles of autophagy in plant-bacteria interactions. Autophagy 14, 1465-1466.

Üstün S., Hafrén A., Liu Q., Marshall R., Minina E.A., Bozhkov P., Vierstra R., Hofius D. (2018) Bacteria exploit autophagy for proteasome degradation and enhanced virulence in plants. The Plant Cell, 30 (3) 668-685; DOI: 10.1105/tpc.17.00815|blog|editorial|F1000

Hafrén A., Üstün S., Hochmuth A., Svenning S., Johansen T., Hofius D. (2017) Turnip mosaic virus counteracts NBR1-mediated selective autophagy of the 
viral silencing suppressor HCpro. Plant Physiology pp.01198.2017; DOI: 10.1104/pp.17.01198

Üstün S., Hafrén A., Hofius D. (2017). Autophagy as a mediator of life and death in plants. Curr Opin Plant Biol 40, 122-130.

Üstün, S.* and Börnke, F. (2017). Ubiquitin Proteasome Activity Measurement in Total Plant Extracts. Bio-protocol 7(17): e2532. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2532.

Witzel, K.; Üstün, S.; Schreiner, M.; Grosch, R.; Börnke, F.; Ruppel, S. (2017) A proteomic approach suggests unbalanced proteasome functioning induced by the growth-promoting bacterium Kosakonia radicincitans in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017 8:661.

Üstün S.*, Sheikh A., Gimenez-Ibanez S., Jones A., Ntoukakis V.*, Börnke F*. (2016) The proteasome acts as a hub for plant immunity and is targeted by Pseudomonas type-III effectors. Plant Physiology 172: 1941-1958

Üstün S., Bartetzko V., Börnke F. (2015) The Xanthomonas effector XopJ triggers a conditional hypersensitive response upon treatment of N. benthamiana leaves with salicylic acid. Frontiers Plant Science 6:599

Üstün S.* and Börnke F* (2015) The Xanthomonas campestris type III effector XopJ proteolytically degrades proteasome subunit RPT6. Plant Physiology 168: 107-119

Üstün S.* and Börnke F (2014) Interactions of Xanthomonas type-III effector proteins with the plant ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like pathways. Frontiers Plant Science 5:736

Üstün S.*, König P., Guttman D.S., Börnke F.* (2014) HopZ4 from Pseudomonas syringae, a novel member of the HopZ type III effector family from the YopJ superfamily, inhibits the proteasome in plants. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction 27: 611-623 

Üstün S., Bartetzko V., Börnke F. (2013) The Xanthomonas campestris Type III Effector XopJ Targets the Host Cell Proteasome to Suppress Salicylic-Acid Mediated Plant Defence. PLoS Pathogens 9: e1003427

Üstün, S., Müller, P., Palmisano, R., Hensel, M., Börnke, F. (2012). SseF, a type III effector protein from the mammalian pathogen Salmonella enterica, requires resistance-gene-mediated signalling to activate cell death in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana. New Phytologist 194: 1046-1060.

Arsova, B., Hoja, U., Wimmelbacher, M., Greiner, E., Üstün, S., Melzer, M., Petersen, K., Lein, W., Börnke, F. (2010). Plastidial Thioredoxin z Interacts with two Fructokinase-like Proteins in a Thiol-Dependent Manner: Evidence for an essential Role in Chloroplast Development in Arabidopsis and Nicotiana benthamiana. The Plant Cell 22: 1498-1515. 

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