Institute of Prehistory, Early History and Medieval Archaeology

Common elements of the plant economy of Vinča and LBK? Archaeobotanical case studies from the Danube catchments in SE Europe and Germany

Elena Marinova, Elske Fischer, Tanja Märkle, Oliver Nelle & Manfred Rösch

The systematic archaeobotanical sampling at an increasing number of sites in the study region provided a wide and detailed information on the agriculture and land use practices during the period from 5500-5000 calBC. This allows us to examine specific elements of the economy over wider regions. The current study will focus on the finds of the archaeobotanical assemblages from Tell Karanovo, Tell Provadia, Tell Uivar (SE Europe) and two LBK sites from the Oberen Gäu (SW Germany). The analyses will consider indicator species for supra-regional trends in the plant economy related with cereal crop production and the exploitation of wild plant resources. The evidence will be combined with further studies from the region with the aim of deriving a general picture of the plant economy of Vinča and LBK in the context of possible common elements and continuity between the regions.