Deutsches Seminar

Registering for Exams (State Examination)

Written Exams


The framework for exams can be found under Studium on the homepage of the Institute of German Language and Literature.


Oral exams with the Medieval German Studies department

Periods of Registration


8th-31st January for the spring deadline of the following year

7th-30th June for the autumn deadline of the following year

Registration forms and further information regarding oral exams are available under the tab marked Downloads. Within university registration for Medieval German Studies oral exams takes place in Ms. Stevanovic's office (Room 459).


In addition

Acceptance and Notification of Candidates

There exists a legal right to the reduction of the exam. For this reason, all registrations will be considered. Under certain circumstances, a personal agreement will be needed between the examiners. In view of this, the registration deadline is more than a year before the exam deadline. This permits the possibility of a replacement. At the beginning of February and the beginning of July, the complete list of exam candidates will be disclosed. If a personal agreement must be reached regarding the exam, the following criteria will be considered: