Prof. Dr. Wiltrud Mihatsch

Organization of academic events

10.10.-11.10.2024 with Inga Hennecke (Tübingen): International Workshop: Placeholders in East and West, University of Tübingen. Financed by the DFG.

16.11.-17.11.2020 PhD Workshop (with Eduardo Amaral and Nicole Feifel): A lingua portuguesa desde uma perspectiva comparativa e contrastiva within the framework of the Tübingen DAAD Guest Professorship „João Guimarães Rosa de estudos brasileiros de comunicação e cultura“

29.-31.01.2020 SFB 833-international Workshop of the Projects C7 and C2: Nominal and verbal aspect: parallels, interfaces, complementarity

20.-24.08.2019 Section with Konstanze Jungbluth and Célia Regina Dos Santos Lopes on the topic „Variação e mudança do português brasileiro sob um olhar contrastivo“ within the framework of the VII Simpósio mundial de estudos da língua portuguesa (SIMELP), Porto de Galinhas Pernambuco.

07.-08.02.2019 SFB 833-international Workshop of the Projects C7, A5, A6 and C6 on the topic „Challenges to compositionality“.

18.-20.06.2018 with Inga Hennecke (Tübingen): International Workshop: Pragmatic functions of type-nouns: a crosslinguistic phenomenon, University of Tübingen. Financed by the DFG.

14.-15.06.2018 with Inga Hennecke (Tübingen): Congresso Cátedra Extraordinária João Guimarães Rosa de Estudos Brasileiros de Comunicação e Cultura: Tendências de mudança linguística no português atual, University of Tübingen. Financed by the DFG.

15.-18.06.2016 Antonio Briz und Marta Albeda (Es.Var.Atenuación, Val.Es.Co): Congreso internacional de atenuación lingüística: perspectivas semánticas y pragmáticas, Valencia (España). Cooperation and Coordination of the italian an the portuguese sections, Plenary presentation.

15.-16.06.2015 Journées NHUMA (« Linguistique des noms d’humains »)(8), Ruhr University Bochum.

18.-22.03.2015 with Marta Albelda (Valencia): Fenómenos de intensidad semántico-pragmáticos: atenuación e intensificación. Section within the framework of the Hispanistentag 2015 in Heidelberg.

02.-04.12.2013 with Miriam Voghera (Salerno): «Attenuation strategies from a comparative perspective», Ruhr University Bochum, within the framework of the DAAD-programme «Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa».

14.-15.11.2013 with Catherine Schnedecker (Strasbourg): Journées NHUMA (« Linguistique des noms d’humains »)(5), University of Strasbourg.

15.-16.03.2013 with Catherine Schnedecker (Strasbourg): Journées NHUMA (« Linguistique des noms d’humains »)(4), University of Strasbourg.

30.11.-01.12.2012 with Catherine Schnedecker (Strasbourg): Journées NHUMA - PROCOPE (« Linguistique des noms d’humains »)(3), University of Strasbourg, within the framework of the DAAD-programme PROCOPE.

15.11.2012 with Thomas Duve (MPIeR Frankfurt): Interdisciplinary workshop Las Siete Partidas, at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt on the Main.

20.-21.06.2011 with Catherine Schnedecker: Journées NHUMA – PROCOPE (« Linguistique des noms d’humains »)(1), University of Strasbourg,within the framework of the DAAD-programme PROCOPE.

19.-20.05.2011 PhD Workshop of the Faculty of Philology on the topic „Die Transkription multimodaler Sprachdaten“, Guest researcher Karola Pitsch (Bielefeld).

18.-21.03.2009 with Franz Lebsanft (Bonn) and Claudia Polzin-Haumann (Saarbrücken), Section on the topic „El español, lengua pluricéntrica“, 17th. German Hispanistentag in Tübingen.

13.07.2007 with Gunther Kaltenböck (Wien) and Stefan Schneider (Graz), Section on the topic „Vague language: the use of approximators in spoken and written corpora“ at the International Pragmatics Conference, Juli 2007 in Göteborg.

30.11.-02.12.2006 with Barbara Job (Bielefeld): International Workshop on the topic „Die Entstehung pragmatischer Marker: Innovation, Routinisierung und Pragmatikalisierung“, Bielefeld University. Financed by the DFG.

22.-24.02.2006 Co-organisation of the Annual Conference of the German linguistic society (DGfS), „Sprachdokumentation und Sprachbe- schreibung“, Bielefeld University, Schwerpunkte Drittmitteleinwerbung, Verlagspräsentation, Abstractband und Tagungsbroschüre.

02.-05.03.2005 with Monika Sokol (Bayreuth), Head of the Section „Lenguas en contacto - estructura del léxico - significación léxica: el caso de las lenguas caribes iberorrománicas o de base iberorrománica”, 15. Deutscher Hispanistentag in Bremen.

07.-08.12.2001 with Peter Koch and Angela Dorn: International Workshop Lexical Data and Universals of Semantic Change/ Lexikalische Daten und Universalien des semantischen Wandels, within the framework of the SFB 441 in Tübingen.