Institute of Media Studies

Team of the Chair of Media Innovation / Media Change

Prof. Dr. Klaus Sachs-Hombach

Klaus Sachs-Hombach, born 1957, is Professor of Media Studies (Focus on Media Innovation / Media Change)

University of Tübingen
Media Studies
Wilhelmstr. 50
Room 257
D-72074 Tübingen

+49 (0) 7071 - 29-72815
Fax: +49 (0) 7071 - 29-5586

The focus of Klaus Sachs-Hombach’s research work is on key topics such as theories of images, media, and communication in a historical and systematic perspective, the areas of aesthetic and cultural theory, and the philosophical problems of psychology and cognitive science. This recently gave rise to an interest in aesthetic and ethical problems of media change and modern image culture that was condensed in a number of essays on the theory of film, modern art, virtual reality, game studies, and the political dimension of the new media.

 Profile page of Klaus Sachs-Hombach

Marcel Lemmes

Marcel Lemmes, born 1996, is Research Assistant at the chair of Media Innovation / Media Change from Professor Klaus Sachs-Hombach.

Universität Tübingen
Media Studies
Wilhelmstraße 50
Room 255
72074 Tübingen


In his research, Marcel Lemmes focuses on questions of the socioformative affordances of digital media. He is particularly interested in social media in their interaction between everyday culture and politicization. In particular, he is currently focusing on recent transformations of image culture (such as Internet memes or sharepics).

Profile page of Marcel Lemmes

Karin Kießling

Administration of Prof. Dr. Sachs-Hombach

Universität Tübingen
Wilhelmstr. 50, Raum 257
72074 Tübingen

 +49 (0) 7071 29-72816
Fax: +49 (0) 7071 29-5586

Student Assistants

Elias Raatz