Institute of Media Studies

Dr. des. Melanie M. Mika

University of Tübingen
Wilhelmstr. 50
Room 258
D-72074 Tübingen


+49 7071 29-72817

Office Hours

Office Hours by appointment, via Zoom/Teams or in person on campus. I would kindly ask you to send me a short description of your inquiry by email no later than two days before our appointment.


Melanie Mika’s research focuses are on serial media, especially television series, character theory, and mental health discourses. In the field of media practice, she has many years of experience in the production of radio, audio media, and video post-production.

Curriculum Vitae

Melanie Mika studied musicology and media studies (BA) at the University of Tübingen. She then completed an international Master’s degree in Audiovisual and Cinema Studies at the universities of Montréal, Amsterdam and the Goethe University Frankfurt.

Before starting her academic career, Melanie Mika completed an apprenticeship as a media designer for image and sound at Südwestrundfunk Stuttgart. From 2010 to 2019, she worked alongside her studies for SWR as a freelance employee with an expertise in sound design and online content creation for SWR4 BW as well as for the online channels of SWR Aktuell. Since 2019, she has also been an examiner at the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the apprenticeship profession of media designer for image and sound.

Melanie Mika received her doctorate degree with a dissertation project on the representation of mental illness in American television series. From 2019 to April 2022, this project was funded by the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)

Melanie Mika has been part of the Institute of Media Studies since May 2022. Her responsibilities include the area of internationalization (Erasmus coordination and support of guest professors and researchers). She is the contact person for the Tübingen Media Days.

Doctoral Dissertation

Productive Psychopaths: Representations of Mental Illness in American Serials from a character theory perspective
