Laura Uhl has been working as a research assistant in the DFG project "StellA" (Formation and change of professional full-time occupations in public adult education between ideal-typical occupational concepts and specific job profiles of organizations) since September 2022.
Professionalization of pedagogical staff in adult education/further education
Organizational and digitization research in adult education
DFG project “StellA” (Formation and change of professional full-time occupations in public adult education between ideal-typical occupational concepts and specific job profiles of organizations) (09/2022 - 08/2024)
Curriculum Vitae
Since 09/2022
Doctoral student, University of Tübingen, Institute for Educational Sciences (Department of Adult Education/Further Education) (Abstract of the dissertation project)
Master's degree program completed in Adult Education/Lifelong Learning, Humboldt University of Berlin
Bachelor's degree program completed in Social Work, Alice Salomon University Berlin
Since 09/2022
Research assistant in the DFG project "StellA", University of Tübingen, Institute for Educational Sciences, Department of Adult Education/Further Education
Student assistant, Humboldt University of Berlin, Institute for Educational Sciences, Department of Adult Education/Further Education
Student assistant, Alice-Salomon-University Berlin, Career Service
Lecturer at the Alice-Salomon-University Berlin
Social worker, One World Kinder gGmbH and DER STEG gGmbH
Veröffentlichungen in referierten Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden / Articles in peer reviewed Journals and Edited Books
Alke, M., Uhl, L. & Baker, F. (2024). Historical development of job profiles in adult education in Germany through the interaction of intermediaries from a conventional-theoretical perspective. European Educational Research Journal. Online First.
Alke, M. & Uhl, L. (2021). Stellenprofile an Volkshochschulen in der digitalen Transformation: Analyse von Stellenanzeigen aus organisationstheoretischer Sicht. In C. Bernhard-Skala, R. Bolten-Bühler, J. Koller, M. Rohs & J. Wahl (Hrsg.), Erwachsenenpädagogische Digitalisierungsforschung. Impulse – Befunde – Perspektiven(S. 243-265). Bielefeld: wbv.
Veröffentlichungen in nicht referierten Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden / Articles in non-peer reviewed Journals an Edited Books
Seifert-Uhl, L. & Alke, M. (2024). Kreativität als Schlüsselkompetenz des Weiterbildungspersonals? Anforderungen und Desiderate. forum erwachsenenbildung, 57(3), 12-15.