- Lecturer in the field of print media
- Trainee (Voluntariat) at "Sonntag Aktuell"
- Editor for "Sonntag Aktuell"
- Head of Press and Public Relations of the "Schwäbischer Turnerbund"
- Independent journalist for daily newspapers and magazines (e.g. "FAZ", "Der Tagesspiegel", "taz", "Stuttgarter Nachrichten", "Münchner Merkur", "Kicker", "Motorsport aktuell")
- Employees of the agency "Vitesse-Kärcher"
- Head of Press & Communication LSV Baden-Württemberg
- Jost, K.-E. & Flörsch, S. (2016). Auf der Überholspur: Lerne vom Extremen für Deinen Alltag. München: Komplett-Media Verlag.