International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)


"Anchor objects" as focal points for the digital opening and transdisciplinary integration of ethical aspects of Artificial Intelligence in research and innovation processes


SAVE THE DATE: The ANKER project team will present an update on the project at the Conference for Integrated Research on March 31 - April 1, 2025 in Düsseldorf.

The ANKER project addresses the challenge of ensuring that ethical aspects of artificial intelligence are not only identified but also permanently anchored in the development of technologies with the help of tools. 

To this end, the project conducts a thorough analysis of the needs and requirements to enable the effective anchoring of ethical implications in AI development. Based on these insights, prototypical tools are being developed and implemented. 



Duration: November 2023 – October 2026

Funding reference: 16SV9223

Funded by the BMBF

Project Description

While integrated research is generally regarded as a suitable approach for responsible innovation and technology development, the challenges of integrative development are manifold and include epistemic, methodological, communicative and structural aspects. This complexity clearly shows that a systematic approach is needed to develop tools that not only support development in terms of content, but also have the potential to anchor non-technical aspects in the development process. 

To date, systematic research on such tools for integrated research has been lacking and the potential of digital tools has not been fully realized. The ANKER project addresses this gap. It investigates, develops and communicates tools that can serve as "anchor objects" in order to anchor the transdisciplinary negotiation of ethical questions in the heterogeneous forms of knowledge, practices and contexts of the participants as well as in social discourse. From the broad spectrum of integrated research topics, the project focuses on the inclusion of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) in research and innovation projects.

Specifically, the project pursues a multi-stage approach: it first examines, theoretically and empirically, which characteristics tools must have so that ethical considerations can be effectively anchored in AI development processes. Based on the insights gained, the project team is developing digital tools that are designed to anchor the inclusion of AI ethical aspects. These tools not only aim to provide practicable solutions, but are also intended to serve as a bridge to promote transdisciplinary discussions and negotiations in the field of artificial intelligence between the different forms of knowledge, practices and contexts of the actors involved.

In this context, the integrated research approach plays a key role. Not only are participants in integrative research and development projects the target group of the project, but integrated research is also practiced by the interdisciplinary team (ethics, sociology and computer science) in the project itself.

The aim of the project is to develop a sound understanding of the needs and requirements for tools that effectively anchor ethical considerations in AI development and other areas of integrated research. The tools developed shall not only offer practicable solutions, but also be communicated and optimized together with other project results within the framework of an Open Tools Lab. The lab serves as a platform to support a broad application of the tools and to promote the discussion of ethical aspects in AI development in an open and collaborative environment.

Associated Partners

  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Ammon (TU Berlin)
  • Prof. Dr. Arne Berger (Hochschule Anhalt)
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Djeffal (TU München)
  • Dr. Maximilian Heimstädt (HSU Hamburg)
  • Prof. Dr. Claudia Müller-Birn (Freie Universität Berlin)
  • Prof. Christian Pentzold (Universität Leipzig)
  • Prof. Dr. Sonja Schimmler (TU Berlin / Fraunhofer Fokus)

Project Progression

March 2024

The ANKER project team presented the project on March 4, 2024 at the public online kick-off meeting of sub-cluster III within the Integrated Research Cluster.