
We have launched our new Blog 'ML for Science'!

We are excited to let you know that our Cluster of Excellence has a new platform for its science communication: We have launched our new blog at https://www.machinelearningforscience.de/en/.

The main aim of our new blog is to share our research with as many scientists and interested members of the public as possible and, ideally, to get into a dialog with them.

The blog has three different categories: :
1. Latest Research is where the Cluster groups present their papers to the wider scientific public.
2. The Debate texts are opinion pieces by individual authors or groups of authors. The idea is to discuss aspects of machine learning that have an impact on society and science. 
3.  The Science Stories are for the general, interested public. Here we introduce scientists from our Cluster and give insights into their motivation and their work.

Check out at https://www.machinelearningforscience.de/en/

