Project D - Ancillary Research Group: Threat and Social Order in Post-Revolutionary Egypt
Within the context of the post-revolutionary developments in Egypt, this project examines the relationship between representations of threat and emergent notions of a good and just political as well as social order. In this respect, it shall be questioned what role threat scenarios play in the establishment of a pluralistic political order in post-revolutionary Egypt. A special focus shall be placed on the category of space, regarding the events on and around Tahrir Square, the Presidential Palace and Rabaa al-Adawiya Square as well as the manifestation of order and scenarios of threat in these places. Focusing on the different interest groups, the main question shall be pursued by ethnographic research, qualitative interviews and with the aid of event-centred analysis of Internet communication.
Project Team
Project Leader:
Prof. Dr. Boris Nieswand
Ph.D. Student:
Academic Disciplines and Orientation
Project-related Lectures and Publications
Ateia, Nora:
- 06.06.2014 - "Bedrohung und gesellschaftliche Ordnung im postrevolutionären Ägypten", Vortrag im Rahmen des SFB 923-Kolloquiums.
- 31.01.2014 (mit Gabriele Alex) - "Raum als Dimension bedrohter Ordnungen"; Vortrag im SFB-Kolloquium
- 17.11.2012 (mit Monique Scheer) - Vorstellung des Minigraduiertenkollegs "Kulturelle Dynamiken der Bedrohungskonstitution", Vortrag im Rahmen des SFB 923-Retreats Lauterbad II.
Congresses, Workshops, and Conferences
- 17.-21.03.2014 - Winter School "Population Management. State, Mobility, and Diversity", eine Kooperation des Instituts für Osteuropäische Geschichte und Landeskunde, des Ludwig-Uhland-Instituts für historische und kulturelle Anthropologie und des SFBs 923, Universität Tübingen. Programm hier