
Sub-Project C07: Apocalypticism as a Threat Discourse: Prophetic Movements in Colonial Peru in the 16th Century


Apocalypticism can be used to interpret how "order" was perceived to be under threat in the Early Modern era as the “prophet” can be seen as a specialist in terms of threat discourse. By looking at the example of the Dominican Francisco de la Cruz who developed the idea of an apocalyptic church in Peru in the 1570s based on the visions of the Creole María Pizarro, this project examines the role of emotions in the transcultural mediation of prophecy and the generation of new knowledge. It intends to show how specific moments within the threat discourse - and not processes of secularisation and rationalisation - took up the prophetic-apocalyptic conception of order itself in a dialectic process. This project seeks to historicise the phenomenon of “apocalyptic prophecy” in the Early Modern Era fundamentally within the framework of a comparative history of the religious order.

Project Team

Project leader:

Prof. Dr. Renate Dürr


Dr. des. Fabian Fechner

Academic Disciplines and Orientation

Early Modern History

Project-related Lectures and Publications

Dürr, Renate



Fechner, Fabian



Congresses, Workshops, and Conferences