Paper about full quantum dynamics in ICEC published
We were able to perform beyond Born-Oppenheimer dynamics for the ICEC process and were able to show that below electronic threshold ICEC is enabled by nuclear dynamics.
Our review about the Interparticle Coulombic Electron Capture (ICEC) has been published in Journal of Physics B.
MCDTHX developers workshop in Zürich
Elke, Lydia and Manuel are at the MCTDHX developers workshop funded by the unitary fund: Inspiring discussions, onboarding of new people, create user friendliness and ensure code longevity.
Group picture first day
Task forces at work
New master students
Lydia Fichte (Nanoscience) and Manuel Eder (Chemistry) are starting their master projects in the group. Welcome!
QD4ICEC meeting at KU Leuven
back row: Subhra, Jan, Elena, Ramiro
front row: Daniel, Nicolas, Annika, Elke, Axel
Elena and Elke got to know the other PhD students of the QD4ICEC project, enjoyed stimulating discussions.
Symposium für Theoretische Chemie in Zürich
Elke is presenting newest results.
Elke is teaching at the MCTDH Summer School in Heidelberg
Approximately 50 PhD students, postdocs and professors gathered at the MCTDH summer school in Heidelberg to learn basics and newest developments in the MCTDH world. Tutorials give hands-on experience with the software.
Elke Fasshauer and Reinhold Fink win teaching price
Elke Fasshauer and Reinhold Fink are awarded the student price for the most interesting master lecture for the TCM1 lecture covering many-particle systems, spin states, relativistic quantum chemistry and the toolbox of quantum chemical methods including HF and post-HF methods.
New PhD student
Elena Jahr is starting her PhD studies in the group. She will work on the analytic description of the Interparticle Coulombic Electron Capture within the DFG-ANR project QD4ICEC. Welcome!
New PhD student
Alexander Riegel is starting his PhD in the group. His topic is the influence of nuclear motion on time-resolved spectra of electronic decay processes. Welcome!
Manuel Eder is starting his internship in the group
Manuel is interested in quantum many-body effects in electron transport.
Gurli Schuster is starting her Bachelor project in the group
Gurli is theoretically investigating electronic decay processes with streaking.
Catia Harnack started her Bachelor project in the group
Catia is going to work on properties of small water clusters.