Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

News aus der Fakultät


Caesar K, Elgass K, Chen Z, Huppenberger P, Witthöft J, Schleifenbaum F, Blatt MR, Oecking C, Harter K (2011).

A fast brassinolide-regulated response pathway in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant…

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Wanke D, Hohenstatt ML, Dynowski M, Bloss U, Hecker A, Elgass K, Hummel S, Hahn A, Caesar K, Schleifenbaum F, Harter K, Berendzen KW (2011).

Alanine zipper-like coiled-coil domains are necessary for homotypic dimerization of plant…

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Feldmeier, J., Kilian, J., Harter, K., *Wanke, D., *Berendzen, K.W. (2011)

Quantile-Quantile Plots: An approach for the inter-species comparison of promoter architecture in…

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Mangelsen E, Wanke D, Kilian J, Sundberg E, Harter K, Jansson C.

Significance of light, sugar, and amino acid supply for diurnal gene regulation in developing barley…

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Dietrich K, Weltmeier F, Ehlert A, Stahl M, Harter K, Dröge-Laser W (2011).

The Arabidopsis transcription factors bZIP1 and bZIP53 are reprogramming gene expression in amino…

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Spitzenplatz im Forschungsranking...

...für die Tübinger Biologie

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